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scarlett had been hesitating for hours, or what felt like hours which was really long minutes. she was going to just cover her head and body with a blanket and force herself into a sleep for comfort - today was one of her down days and jacob was the one person she wanted to see the most.

three quick taps at his door, urgent and unfamiliar to jacob as he rushes out of his king size bed that he was laying comfortably into a deep sleep in. he was mad for half a second until his eyes met with the girl infront of him.

he was happy it was her, of course, but felt more concerned than anything.

"scarlett what are you doing here, its really late you should be asleep." jacob says pointing out the fact she wasnt one tiny bit tired looking "im sorry i don't mean to disturb you but im just not feeling too great" her head turns away from his face nervously.

the moon shines through the darkness of night and many palm trees in the blocking, it would've been amazing to look at but scarlett was too busy looking at the shirtless man with nothing besides his boxer shorts on.

she was happy he didn't catch her staring at him, but if he did she was even more pleased he didn't make a comment. but in reality he was too sleepy to talk.

"come in" jacob moves from the door way to allow her to finally enter even more concerned for her but happy she came to him for support. his house is deadly silent and pitch black with nothing but the sight of his dim bedroom lamp. "you can spill out your feelings if you want too."

"i just feel really down tonight, i dont know whats come over me i just feel so worthless and self conscious about every little thing about me" the girl admitted following the steps they took to his bedroom.

"its nice to have somebody i can come to just to talk about these things or just find a comfort in their presence. your my form of the word hygge." she admitted as he smiled at her softly not speaking to allow her to get everything off her chest without his input. slightly pleased she'd gained support in him.

"does this happen alot, these feelings?" he asks as they reach his bedroom his bed messy and a wrinkled outline of his sleeping position.

"sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt." she says shrugging as they sit on his bed, sinking immediately yet comfortable. scarlett liked the soft talking and silence around them.

"well" jacob says leaning back almost falling into his thick, soft pillows as scarlett copied a happy huff as she lands with pleasure of how luxurious his bed felt.
"its my job to make your unhappiness go away."

she nods shortly, he made a point now to stick to this decision to make her feel happy no matter what day or time it was.

"but first, before i use any happy magic on you" he says as the yellow tint makes her eyes able to exam the large tv infront of his bed, smiling as she her a tone of deal making in his voice.

"come on say it" impatience filling her bones

"if you can fall asleep, get some sorta rest and push them negative thoughts down tonight. tomorrow i may just take you out for dinner."

scarlett begins to fill with excitement, she turns to her side and tugs at a one of the fluffy blankets on his bed. ready to fulfill his requests for her.

"are you taking me on a date mr jacobs?" she says snickers almost hoping he was implying a date with her, jacob wanted to plead into her words and say that was absolutely his idea and that he was more than mr jacobs he was infact jacobs elordi.

instead he turns to face her and he allows his cockiness to drown him

"who said anything about a date, we're friends right"

he cringed as soon as the words left his mouth, hoping it would be forgotten as they were just friends of right now. but scarlett nods awkwardly clear it had affected her laying besides her as his fingertips played with the tips of her hair. "right"

she closes her eyes tightly shut, she wasn't one to sleep with lights on much more of a blackout curtains person yet it wasn't her place to comment on his sleeping situation. but jacob contemplated waking her up to say it was infact a date.

but she didnt overthink too much, they were friends but she remembered their slow dancing and kisses on the cheek.

they just forced their eyes to be closed until finally their constant tossing turned into a passed out sleep catching up on the hours scarlett has missed.

semi permanent ll • jacob elordiWhere stories live. Discover now