cigerettes kill

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"good morning, scarlett hart" jacob greets scarlett as he happily says, curtains wide open and the loud awake happy to of his fills the girls hearing. she groans at this and covers her face with the blanket in hopes to squeeze in a few more minutes of peaceful sleep, until she remembers her little dinner. but she remembers vividly his words from last night.

he stands at his large window, pushing his cigarette out for good hoping no for of fire begins. "cigarettes kill, you know?" the girls says sloppily

jacob chuckles and lightly jumps on his bed, it rocks and makes all sorts of noises a bed shouldn't make when he does so but he doesnt care. he tugs at her cocoon wrapped self and finally she gives into his firm pulling revealing her tired, makeup less face.

blinking aggressively to adjust to daylight, she attempts to make herself look as smiley as she could but with her scrunched up face it didn't work out very well. she wanted to talk about today but didn't know if that made her too keen.

"so you completely the mission of sleeping, but the rules for tonight are no phones. or negative thinking." he says pointing at her then allowing his pointing finger to playfully poke her cheek "because my plan is to make you happy"

"it is" she says yarning as she leans forward

"i dont think ive got to any restaurants here" scarlett confesses as jacob eyes widened "coffee shops dont count, but ive not actually eat anywhere here in los angeles." rubbing her arms up and down

jacob shook his head and took a deep breath, disbelief was his main feelings. what on earth did this girl do in l.a by herself.

"so you better make this a good fucking place because ill be disappointed if its worst than the restaurants at home."  she chuckled making him smile knowing they were on good terms, she moves herself out of his bed and is wearing a oversized tshirt and shorts that were mix matched, the most played down outfit she'd ever worn.

"how does pizza feel for you tonight scar?" he suggests "theres this amazing italian style pizza place down the road, they do the best pizza, toppings and ice cream." telling her yet he already knew by the sound of pizza she was fully convince, even if it had a standard as cheese and tomato as its only choice.

scarlett smiles widely and nods, agreeing to his suggestion.

"im down but" she says holding her finger up "what topping does mr jacobs have on his pizza, is he boring, traditional or different?"

jacob scoffs at her remark in response and then hums with his finger pressed firmly on his chin, until he removes his hands to allow himself to open his large waldrobe doors to begin plotting an outfit.

"if i answer honestly, promise you wont hate me for it" he asked and scarlett desperately wanted to ruffle his fluffy hair, that dropped over his eyes from clearly not being styled.

she loves at his enthusiastically nodding, suspense rushing through her "im a pepperoni kinda guy" in which scarlett fakes a gag, a face filled with disgust. it was clear she was distressed by his pickings of pizza.

"i had faith in you jacob, to make me feel happy and that made me feel physically ill on all different levels." but as the words leave her mouth she is tackled with the force of a 6'4 male jumping onto her with clothes in his hands, laughing at the shock it brings them both.

"but you dont hate me for it, do you?" jacobs asked leaning his head up to see her face for her reaction in which she shakes her head, a sweet sincere smile that reassured him. "ill just have too make your pizza taste better."

"challenge accepted" he puts his hand out in which she shakes it as aggressive as she possibly could.

it was possible that then within seconds, it went dramatically silent. scarlett's eyes locked with jacobs and stayed like that for a while until she felt her eyes close and mouth go towards his.

she felt guilty when she allowed temptation to take over but it was irresistible, he closes his eyes too and pulls her head closer towards his with fingers finding their way though her hair. not a second of doubt crossing their minds, it felt so right and like its all they ever needed. making up for the comments of jacobs yesterday and only causing excitement for what definitely appeared as a date now.

semi permanent ll • jacob elordiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora