Part 24

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait x 

The Havoc Marauder soon made its landing approach, Tech not showing off his skills this time. Instead those aboard the ship remained quiet. Almost as if their worst fears would be realized if one of them spoke up. With a silent nod, Hunter, Tech and Echo left the modified ship, looking around the vast baron waste land. The red skies above giving them an uneasy feeling, Echo soon pointed out a figure in the distance, stood still as if waiting for them to approach. Hunter soon lead the way forward, a sigh escaping him as he did so, almost as if he expect the worst but couldn't help but hope for the best. Only as the three former soldiers approached the unknown figure, did each of them become overwhelmed with a sense of familiarity, as if they'd unknowingly been there before.

"Its about time" spoke (Y/N), removing the hood of her black cloak, her voice surprisingly even. Her eyes scanning over them, quickly registering only three of them were there. All three former soldiers seemed surprised, a mix of emotions passing over their cloned features. Mere moments before they'd learnt their former Jedi General was on Naboo, now she stood before them. The three looked to each other, Echo being the first to break through the wave of emotions, walking up to his former general and friend, saluting her as he would have back during the war. (Y/N) simply pulled the loyal clone toward her, a smile spreading across her lips as she wrapped her arms around him in a friendly hug. Doing the same with Tech and Hunter when they got closer. Her relief was obvious.

"Wrecker and Omega are back on the ship" spoke Tech, quickly summarizing (Y/N) already knew about Omega. (Y/N) nodded her head, listening as Hunter gave the order for Wrecker to bring Omega, informing the pair aboard the ship it was safe, despite the unnerving feelings most got from the outer rim world. Upon the pair reaching the group, (Y/N) greet Wrecker with the same friendly hug as she had with Tech, Echo and Hunter, offering the same to Omega, although officially introducing herself to the young clone.

"Crosshair" started Hunter, unsure how to proceed with telling the former general turned princess of the empire, Crosshair had chosen to remain with the Empire, his inhibitor chip was still intact and the sniper had given Omega her spare lightsaber. "He did come with us when he left Kamino, we all got out of Tipoca city together. He gave Omega your lightsaber" cautiously explained the Sargent, almost as if he expected her to condemn him for a crime of some sort. Unaware when it come to the silver haired sniper (Y/N) knew far more than she let on.

"Rex, Wolffe and Howzer retrieved Crosshair from Kamino. He was here until last week" responded (Y/N), hinting there was something far bigger than they realized happening. "He returned to the Empire to help with something else, his loyalty remains with me" added the Princess of the Empire, softness about her as she looked over the group, noticing AZ had since joined them. Omega seemed to brighten up, as if her thoughts can come true, Crosshair hadn't turned against them as so many believed, but was fighting for something else and seen his path was different from that of his brothers.

"Are you here for protection or for the job I offer?" came the voice of Maul from behind (Y/N). The former Jedi Knight not seeming bothered by his appearance or even surprised by it, instead it being likely she had sensed him coming, or sensed he'd been there for some time. The group of five looked to the former Sith Lord, those that remained of the small enhanced unit, seemed cautious but also sensed no threat against them, instead only calmness seemed to prevail.

"Both" responded Hunter, somehow finding confidence, as if knowing the truth regarding Crosshair and being reunited with (Y/N) again despite everything to have happened since the war ended, had brought apart of the sergeant he'd once been forward again. Maul simple nodded before walking away, a simple wave of the hand to gesture the group to follow, (Y/N) on the other hand stayed put, Omega at her side, as if sensing that too was her place. The young clone, reaching for the princess's black and silver single bladed lightsaber, as if it called to her, in a similar fashion to the beautiful humming song she heard whenever (Y/N) was close by.

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