Part 15

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It had been weeks since the tests. Since Clone Force 99 had been fractured. (Y/N) had been sent to the lake country of Naboo, although it was peaceful, it was also torment. Having to live with the fact she was completely alone, no one around her she could talk to, let alone actually knew. No clones had been stationed with her, no else was there but here. The residence she had been set to, seemingly on an island surrounded by water. Even if she wanted to leave she couldn't. No boats passed the area and a supply ship would come every week to drop of supplies for her. There had been no word on Crosshair or the rest of the Batch roaming the galaxy, trying to find their place within it.

On Kamino however. Crosshair always found himself fighting for control. His datapad the only thing he really had left of whom he was before, besides his rifle. The barracks weren't the same, different room mates, it was cleaner with nearly all evidence of his brothers gone. They only thing to remain was the tally on the wall, out of date now, missing at least six tally marks on it. He'd been tempted to put it right, but something inside screamed in protest. Yet not the normal voice he heard so often, but something else entirely. His voice, falling apart with hurt and betrayal over being left behind, although he had hope they would rescue him, if only so they could find (Y/N) together.

He had no idea where she was. Yet something about the last time they met stuck with him. On the landing platform before she had been taken away, after his brothers had already left. She was sad, tears in her eyes as she looked hopeless and lost. Not once did she put up a fight against the troopers, as if she had given up. He wanted to go to her, yet something kept him rooted to his spot, although she hadn't seen him, he had felt the need to go with her, told hold her. Yet as he thought that, he felt as he'd been kicked in the heard and the unknown voice screamed at him to stay loyal to the empire, as it repeated those nagging words again. Good Soldiers Follow Order.

His datapad had been become his best friend, the pictures of his brothers whom had left him behind, taken at a time when leaving one of their own wasn't an option. Another of (Y/N), Tech just behind her, seemingly taken on a mission, likely by Wrecker. Yet the one that always pulled on him, was the one of them together. He had no idea when it was taken, but could guess it was at 79's during their time away from the front lines. (Y/N) seemed relaxed, a mischievous grin on her lips, where as he was behind her, a arm around her shoulders as if holding her close or telling someone she was his. His lips were to her left temple, his eyes staring at whomever had taken the photo.

Every time he saw the picture, he wanted to go back to that time. To hold (Y/N) again. He wanted things to be different, to have peace rather than uncertainty, freedom rather than being controlled by the eternal voice always screaming at him, he wanted (Y/N) with him rather than being separated by the cruelty of the empire. He'd do anything asked of him, if it meant being with her again, she hadn't abandoned him, but had done as she had been told, a rare thing especially for (Y/N) whom had been so disobedient to the Jedi Council before.

"We'll be together again Cyar'ike" whispered Crosshair, making the promise to find the one person he was almost certain he lived for. The one person he was sure would understand everything he had done without judgement. As the promise slipped past his lips, he heard as the internal voice screaming demands quietened down, as if something else had forced it to be silence. He felt as if his mind had cleared, a small smirk appearing on his lips as he regained some control, despite the pain, his thoughts remaining on (Y/N), even now when they were parted, she was still helping him find himself and regain what had been bitterly taken away from him. It was as if his loyalty and love for the Jedi Knight had won again.

Without a second thought, he accessed the empire files from the datapad he held. Remembering a few tricks he had picked up from Tech to find information, specifically where they had taken his beloved (Y/N). His self given mission to find her again, to reunite with her becoming his main priority in a matter of seconds. His simple search of her name hadn't given him anything, besides records of her assignments during the war. Although that had changed when he typed in Night Princess. Her file come up detailing everything, including her location on Naboo, although the specific area wasn't listed, as if to protect her. Also listed was her powers with the force, as well as a small area stating she knew something others didn't, information the empire clearly wanted from her.

Connected to her file was that of two others. Anakin Skywalker whom was now listed as deceased, according to the file having been killed during the raid on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The other file belonging to Maul, whom had been listed as a threat to the empire, at this time he was listed as a most wanted, along with those known to have survived the purge. Yet the closer Crosshair looked over (Y/N)'s file, the more he realized she had some connection to the mysterious Sith Lord others only dared whisper about, the man whom had lead the raid on the temple and supposedly killed the famous Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Darth Vader.

Before Crosshair could do much more, the alarm to signal another mission sounded, he could only roll his eyes at this, wanting to be left alone, instead he found himself with a small team he couldn't stand. The same small team the empire were trying to replace his brothers with. Yet he felt somewhat uplifted to realized the mission involved his brothers on Bracca no less, this would be the first time they'd be reunited since they left him behind. Yet he could only wonder why they were on Bracca in the first place, there wasn't anything there, the planet being a junk yard thrilled with relics of the war they were all created for. Ships of all kinds, separatist cruisers and star ships and republic venator class star destroyers.

Yet none the less he was dispatched with some of his clone brothers and the new TK troopers. The mission to bring his brothers and Omega in, take them to Kamino given. He knew what would await his brothers, yet didn't want to think what would await Omega to have escaped with them. His brothers would be put through the same painful treatment he'd been put through twice, to have their chips power boosted, thrust ensuring they would be loyal to the Empire. In a selfish way Crosshair hoped, the five of them being together again, would lead to (Y/N), to being reunited with her, even if they were her personal protection, it was better being closer to her while serving the empire, than to be parted with no indication where she was.

Crosshair had done his best to bring his brothers in, yet the internal voice had taken over once again the moment he boarded the ship to go to Bracca. As if something about the imperial ship had made the fight more difficult again. CT-9904 took control again. The imperial commanding seemingly silencing the Crosshair he'd been before. Yet still with access to his memories. The switch was quick, with the internal voice identified as CT-9904 taking the controls with Crosshair becoming the voice yelling commands to stop and help his brothers. The pain unbearable as it felt like two different personalities, two worlds colliding in his head, doubling the suffering and pain.

His brothers had done him a slight favor by the end of the encounter. Freeing him from the empire's control. He knew the blast from the Ion Engine had done some damage. Not only had he felt the searing pain as it burnt away at his flesh and blinded him, but he had felt it burn away at something else too, he heard as the voice he called CT-9904, the imperial commanded went silent, with the quiet whispers of Good Soldiers Follow Orders remaining. They had freed him although no enough to allow them to escape, or to leave the empire just yet. He still had something to do, he still had (Y/N) to find and rescue.

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