Part 11

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As commanded, (Y/N) was taken to the medical bay, there a team waited, as if their sole purpose of being there was to be her specialized team. Crosshair had been reluctant to leave but had upon being forced to by several other troopers. The moment he left, he got a sinking feeling and the voiced yelling Good Soldiers Follow Orders come back with force. His headache got worse yet he didn't say a word as he joined his brothers en-route to their barracks. The normal comment of the smell getting worse escaping Echo, as each of them took up their normal spot in the room. Hunter finding his way to the seat near the window, Tech on some of the boxes near his bunch which Echo at the table in the center of the room. Wrecker updated their successful mission tally on the wall near the door. Where as Crosshair himself lent against the box separating his bunk from Wrecker's. His mind elsewhere as conversation took over.

Nobody really understanding what happened, why their brothers turned on the Jedi. The possibility coming up they were being controlled by something. After all their behaviour had been odd since then. The conversation soon turned to (Y/N), Crosshair soon paying attention after a silent argument with Wrecker. As if he had been waiting for the topic to turn to her, almost instantly Tech could identify the pain Crosshair was displaying, just by the expression he tried to hide. He was scared about what would happen to her, scared to lose her. Each of them had come to love (Y/N) in a different way, but Crosshair was different, they knew the love he had was significant, the sweet nicknames he called her and the whispered words of love he shared with only her and the longing looks he sent her way, especially when he thought no one was looking. Almost instantly he recognized the possibility of losing the sniper should anything happen to (Y/N), almost instantly he knew Crosshair would make any sacrifice demanded if it meant saving her. Something he admired but also knew was dangerous.

Upon entering the large hall for the Chancellor's speech. Hunter took notice of how much they stood out compared to the brothers. All of their brothers had been stripped of any individuality they previously had. They all had the same hair cut, no tattoos were visible anymore and all color they had once painted on their armor had been removed, returning it to the shinny plain white plastoid it had been before. Up in the box above were those considered important. Admiral Tarkin, with Lama Su and Nala Se, next Nala Se was a young blonde girl, beside her was (Y/N), seemingly confused and appearing to want to be anywhere but there listening to the speech. Her hands were behind her, as is something was restraining her, either side of her were two other faceless troopers, acting as if they were her escorts or prison guards.

Upon seeing her Hunter, looked over to Crosshair, noticing quickly his younger brother had already spotted her, his eyes glued on her as if wanting to ensure she was safe, especially when she looked so miserable, although unharmed. Tech to noticed her, as he walked over to Hunter, also spotting the young girl. He struggled to decipher which one had Hunter's attention. Wrecker had made some comment agree with the now Emperor on being scarred. Echo on the other hand stayed silent. Each member of the small unit looking around in confusion when the Emperor announced the galaxy would be reorganized into the first galactic empire. Especially when their fellow brothers began to celebrate as if it was the best news they'd heard in some time.

"They didn't mention (Y/N)" spoke Wrecker as they left the hall, heading to the mess hall for food. Crosshair trailing silently behind, as if once again in a battle with his own mind, Echo noticing a placing a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. As if to silently tell him he wasn't alone. Hunter and Tech looked to Wrecker, unsure whether (Y/N) not being mentioned was a good or a bad thing. Especially when it was stated the remaining Jedi would be hunted down, she was a Jedi, would that mean she would eventually be executed or was there something else planned for her. There was no mention of other Jedi, surely some of them would have escaped, surely what remained if any did would have scattered and hidden by now, hoping to regroup at a later time.

"They're keeping her alive, we should at least be thankful for that" Hunter found himself saying, they knew she was alive, each had seen her during the speech. Yet that still begged the question of why they wanted her alive when all other Jedi would be executed, it left the question of what the newly formed Empire wanted with her. Yet in that moment it hit Tech what it could be, (Y/N) was never a true Jedi, at least not by the normal standards, she was the daughter of the now renegade Sith Lord Maul. Surely that would account for something, or at least explain why she had survived where others had been killed with little thought.

"She's Maul's daughter" commented Tech, not bothering to keep the guessing game they had going. He stayed with his brothers as they entered the mess hall, seeing they would once again stand out, yet this time the regular clones looked at them as if they were an oddity they hadn't seen before. "Maul was Sidious first apprentice or at least the first known one. Perhaps the Emperor had kept an eye on her. She was always know by the Night Princess, it seems as if that is her official title with in the Empire, maybe even her rank" explained Tech upon sitting at the table, Hunter in the long line for food, having been distracted by something. Echo and Crosshair paying attention and thinking over his words, almost as they dared to hope that was the case, even if she did hate the Empire, at least she would be alive. Wrecker on the other hand quickly accepted it before comments on his love for blowing things up and nature come up.

Crosshair ignored the majority of the conversation after that, only taking notice when the young girl from the corridor joined them. His thoughts soon taking him back to (Y/N), hoping she would be treated fairly, hoping he could see her again, if only to say he loved her. He knew saying goodbye to her wasn't something he'd willingly do, he knew parting from her wasn't something he had in mind of doing. He wanted to be with her. Republic or Empire the only thing besides his brothers to really matter was the now Princess. She had cared for him, for all of them, helped them with injuries from the battlefield. Laughed and Joked with them when on assignments, she had trained them and protected them. He wanted to do that for her, he wanted to be at her side, yet got the feeling their parting wouldn't be a short term thing. Instead he got the gut feeling she would somehow be used again his unit, against him.

When the fight broke out, Crosshair tried to ignore it for the most part, memories he had made with (Y/N) keeping him calm. Well at least until Echo crashed through them, then he allowed his anger for the situation at hand to take over, he harnessed it as a weapon, used it against the regular clones whom seemed set on attacking his brothers. Although he could see Wrecker and Hunter we're holding their own, Echo struggled slight and Tech was having trouble, he soon flung the tray at regular clone heading towards him, and the one attacking Tech. Snarling as he did so. He wasted little time in letting his answer out on the clones who he now seen as enemies and what stood between him and getting what he wanted.

He soon noticed the imperial officer watching from above with Lama Su. Although he wasn't bothered by the man, why would he be, it wasn't like he was doing anything other than watching and seemingly intrigued by the fight. Yet the moment Echo was knocked out, the fighting stopped, Wrecker carrying him to the med-bay, while Tech and Hunter pulled Crosshair from the fight. 

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