Part 12

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(Y/N) felt lost. She had sensed the galaxy wide extermination of the Jedi, the fear, confusion and betrayal as each of their voices was silenced. As each were executed for a treason they were none the wiser about. Yet she had also felt the sheer terror of the Padawan's whom had survived, their uncertainty on what to do and the need to hide until they were sure whatever had happened had past. Their general questioning on what was happening and why. Why the clones had turned on them so suddenly and without warning.

(Y/N) herself didn't feel any better than those poor Padawan's. Just like them she felt confused over what was going on. Although she had an idea, Crosshair muttering Good Soldiers Follow Orders several times before stunning her, it had reminded her of the incident with Tup and Fives months prior. Tup too had muttered Good Soldiers Follow Orders, as if something else was controlling him. Almost instantly (Y/N) knew Fives was right, there had been some secret plot to destroy the Jedi. Although she began to wonder why she had been captured rather than killed like the remaining Jedi, what was so important about her, where the Sith Lord wanted her alive and captured.

The more she began to think of it, the more she began to feel like a prisoner. Not being able to leave the medical bay, she'd been confide to, wasn't helping. She had no injuries, she had nothing to warrant her unwanted stay in the Med-bay, yet she wasn't allowed to leave, two shock troopers being placed outside the door to prevent her wondering off. The quietness didn't help her screaming thoughts, the question of who had survived the massacre of the Jedi and what was happening now the war was supposedly over. (Y/N) soon began to pace, is only prevent the anxiety threatening to bubble over, sending her into a panic attack. She felt lost, yet also worried about what would become of the Clones.

She could sense Crosshair's internal battle with something for control, just as she had sense the general confusion about the sudden turn Hunter, Echo, Tech and Wrecker had felt. Surely if Crosshair had been fighting something then others would have been to. Almost instantly (Y/N) wanted to see Crosshair, to understand what was happening with, what he was going through, to help with his unseen silent battle. She was well aware his love for her had won against something, his golden eyes screaming something was off, just seconds before he had stunned her.

Yet before (Y/N) could think on the need to see Crosshair, to help him with his internal struggle, the two shock troopers guarding the door soon entered. It being clear they had been given instructions. Without uttering a single word they escorted (Y/N) to a predetermined location, in this case the sky box of the larger meeting hall. She had been stood besides a young blonde girl, the little girl whispering her name was Omega. Next to Omega was Nala Se, with Lama Su next to her and Admiral Tarkin next to him. The two shock troopers stood just behind (Y/N) as if they were her personal prison guards, yet just like others, she felt their conflict, as she did with others below, the majority of them had voices shouting, screaming even. Yet the moment the now Emperor Palpatine announced the republic would be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, she heard as most of the voices screaming out, were seemingly suppressed by something. The only one which seemed to be still screaming was Crosshair, (Y/N) could see the conflict begin to reappear in his eyes. Even more so when his golden eyes met you (E/C) ones.

Upon the announcement being over, (Y/N) was once again lead back to the medical bay she'd been held in since arriving. Although she had become more curious upon noticing her lightsaber had been returned to her, the duel bladed weapon had been carefully placed on the bed in the center of the room. Almost instantly she knew whomever had returned it had placed it with great care. Yet next to the lightsaber was the small tiara of kyber crystals, Maul had once made her as a child. The same on taken from her by the Jedi council upon her joining after Maul's apparent death when she was eight. (Y/N) had become convinced the tiara had been lost, especially when it was never returned, so she felt confused to see it again, but also felt the memories long since forgotten flooding back, every memory she had of her time as Maul's daughter.

He'd taught her to be strong, although he had been her Sith master, he had put being a father first and foremost. His care was something he displayed only to a few, as was his love. Although a great warrior and a Sith Apprentice at the time, he had been so determined to keep (Y/N) a secret from his master. Yet soon enough the memory returned of when Maul had given her the tiara, nicknaming her the Night Princess at the same time, his princess. A title that stuck even if the tiara had been taken away along with Maul.

"I see you found your lightsaber and tiara" came a voice from behind (Y/N), a voice she instantly recognized as Tarkin. (Y/N) turned around slowly and with uncertainty about his motives. She was aware he was on Kamino to make a decision regarding the future of the Cloning program. Yet that didn't explain why he had made a point of visiting her. "The Emperor asks the tiara be return to you, along with the request you accept your old nickname as a proper title" calmly spoke Tarkin, watching (Y/N) closely, as if to observe her reaction to the news, yet he soon began to pace the room. "You shall also be moved to a remote residence on Naboo, where freedom shall be returned in time. Although you shall remain here until after your experimental unit is tested" added Tarkin, explaining the situation to her, although he noticed she seemed thankful for the information and the knowledge of knowing what would happen to her. Yet he noticed she seemed confused by the title of Princess, clearly unsure what had made her so special compared to the other Jedi.

"What sort of test?" asked (Y/N), finding herself concerned about them again. She knew they were the best at what they did, on a par with the commandos. Yet (Y/N) also suspected the inhibitor chips hadn't activated in all of them, something she could tell Tarkin also suspected. Almost instantly she questioned what would become of them, if the new empire would get rid of them or incorporate them in to the new regime. (Y/N) soon felt her heart begin to break, the thought of losing them hurt her, especially now when they were all she really had left. She felt scared at the thought of losing Crosshair, even more so when she suspected the new empire wouldn't be so forgiving and likely less caring than the republic had been when it come to the life of clones. 

Always (Crosshair x Jedi Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora