Part 13

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(Y/N) had watched as her small clone force was tested in the training facilities. How they effortlessly deployed a strategy used so many times on the battle field. She felt pride bubble up to see them so effortless work together. Yet the moment the training bolts had turned to live ammo, she couldn't help the fear to begin to take over, the same fear she felt upon hearing they would be tested in the first place. The fear of losing them. At the same time her hate for Tarkin began to boil as did the anger for her situation and that of every clone and what remained of the Jedi. She wanted it to end but knew this was only just the begin of a nightmare that would just keep dragging on.

(Y/N) had wanted to go to small force, but once again been denied, even when she tried to get passed her escorts, they had used brute strength against her. As if they wanted to stop her but not hurt her, in the very moment she heard those voices return, pleading for help, voices only she seemed to be able to hear. Each begging for help to end what was surpressing them so harshly. In that very moment (Y/N) stopped not wanting to cause more harm to them, even more so when she knew they had about as much say in what was happening to them, as she did in her own fate.

Upon returning to her room, (Y/N) began to allow herself to do what she had thrust far denied herself. Wonder. Wonder what had happened to the remaining Jedi, to those who had survived. Were they even aware others were alive, could they sense each other? Did they even know she was alive still? Or did they believe she had perished during what was now being called the purge by the brave few whom whispered about it. Yet she also allowed her thoughts to focus on her closest friend, on Anakin. Allowing herself to wonder what had happened to him, she had heard his voice moments before the order had been sent out. Confused, hurt, scared even, yet after that he too had been silenced. As if something had taken over him or he'd been killed along side the rest.

With little thought she soon began to meditate, allowing the force to flow through her, trying to sense another whom had survived. Finding some relief to sense Maul still out there, even the empire not being able to keep him down, even more so now they had given him motive and determination. Ahsoka too she could sense, just as she could sense two young Padawan's so lost and confused as they waited for anything. Yet (Y/N) could almost smile upon sensing Obi-wan, yet even he seemed different, defeated as if he had lost hope in everything he knew, in the force. Yoda soon come to her, his voice in her head as if trying to guide her, calm her even. His words offering some reassurance but it was clear something was being hidden.

"What happened to Anakin?" were the few words to escape her trembling lips, as (Y/N) attempted to hold back tears threatening to fall. She had stayed strong through everything so far, yet her walls were about to crumble now. She wanted to know what was happening, wanted answers to her questions, but couldn't seem to find any when she looked. Yoda's voice not helping, his only words confirming her best friend was gone. Likely a victim of the purge but that wasn't a question (Y/N) could bare think of let alone form in to words. Bit by bit the wave hit her, reminding her just how alone she was now, just how much she had lost during the war and what she could still lose.

"Come back to me Cross" whispered (Y/N), her thoughts turning to her lover. The one whom she had broken so many of the Jedi rules and code for. She tried so hard to ignore the voice in her head, telling her it would be a long time before they truly seen each other again. Something inside her was just telling her, the empire intended on tearing them apart, keeping them apart as a way of tormenting them both. Using them against each other in some twisted game.

Yet at that moment the door to her prison opened. There stood Tarkin, Nala Se just behind, the Kaminoan looking almost guilty for what she had been asking to do. In the joining room, the opposite side of the sound proof glass, Crosshair was escorted into room, the shock troopers directing him to the bed in the center. (Y/N) wanted to scream, bang on the glass, even run into the room to help him, yet something paralyzed her, her limps seemed to ignore her commands for them to move, as her voice seemed to get stuck in her throat. She felt helpless, as they did something to him, as they gave the internal battle he thought against a unfair advantage. (Y/N) heard as Crosshair's voice seemed to die down, as the inhibitor chip gained more and more control. Yet the last thing she heard from the Crosshair's internal voice, seemed to be the answer to her whispered request before she bared witness to this.

"Why?" was the first strangled word (Y/N) managed to get free from her throat, almost instantly she felt her heartbreak, especially at seeing the Crosshair getting up from the bed wasn't the same one she knew, the one she loved. His eyes were so much colder and full of malice now, the warmth had been stamped out, as had the glimmer of hope that always shone so brightly during the war.

"If all goes well and CT-9904 does as commanded. You two shall be reunited somewhere down the line" responded Tarkin, not even bothering to spare her a glance, as if he was afraid he would show some sort of humanity if he did. Without uttering another word, Tarkin left, going next door. Nala Se being her only comfort, as if she too knew what it was like to have someone she loved ripped away so suddenly and with little explanation. The Kaminoan scientist handing (Y/N) something, as if she hoped it would be done in secret, a data-pad, one with Crosshair's file on it. Nala Se leaving mere moments later. Written on the data-pad at the end of the file was a message from the silver haired sharp shooter. One that made (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat.

Always x 

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