Part 17

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(Y/N) walked aimlessly around the Lake Country residence she'd been placed on Naboo. Although she could admit the scenery was beautiful, just being there was bittersweet. Especially when the place had once belonged to Senator Padme Amidala. A friend whom had died at the end of the war, alongside anyone else (Y/N) had once known. Every morning since being imprisoned there, she walked around, often finding herself on the docks, finding something about the clear crystal blue water peaceful, something about the water washed away everything that bothered her.

In recent weeks she had noticed things had began to change. The supply ship still come, however she would get visitors every now and again. Her permanent house mate being someone she knew, in the form of Commander Wolffe. Still his stubborn self although she had since nulled the effects of the inhibitor chip, preferring the old battle worn Wolffe compared to the imperial controlled one. The two often finding themselves reminiscing about the past, telling each other stories even if they had heard them before. Each speak of those they missed dearly and hoped to see again, Wolffe mentioning his fellow batchers in Howzer, Rex, Gregor and Cody, where as (Y/N) had mentioned all members of her experimental unit, as well as any other clone she had become friends with over the years.

The pair had even spoken of their hopes for the future, both hoping the uncertainty would be washed away, with clarity being before them. Both hoped to be reunited with their loved ones and start over somewhere, to live in freedom. (Y/N) had hoped to fight for the republic and her fallen brethren, for all those whom had been lost. She hoped to fight for justice, unaware of how important she was to some people, unaware several senators knew of her survival and looked to her as a beckon of hope.

"What is it the Empire wants from you?" asked Wolffe, finally wording the question to have bugged him for days. He knew (Y/N) was different, every clone knew it. Sure she was powerful but if she was any other Jedi, then she would have been mercilessly executed alone side the rest, yet she hadn't. Wolffe had initially believed it was due to her connection to the Sith and dark side of the force, but had slowly believed otherwise as the days went on. (Y/N) whirled around upon hearing his voice, her senses failing her since being imprisoned at the beautiful Lake Country residence, she had become used to being alone.

"Visions" responded (Y/N), revealing what it was she had become so valuable for. "When Vader rose from the ashes of the Jedi, I got visions of every major event to come including the fall of the empire" revealed (Y/N), although she could admit she couldn't say when each happened, her visions had only be flashes of things, places and people, short clips of what was to come, voices, some she recognized and others she didn't. (Y/N) hadn't made much sense of them, but could at least say they were what the emperor wanted. She knew he likely wanted the names of those whom would eventually rise up and fight against him.

"Will I ever see my brothers again?" asked Wolffe, sadness ringing in his voice as he looked out to the island a swim away. He couldn't bare to make eye contact with (Y/N), not bring himself to raise his voice above a whisper. All he could do was dread the answer and fight against the tears threatening to break through his tough exterior. He missed all his brothers, regretted what he had helped to do his Jedi General in Plo Koon, every day he hoped he'd be lucky enough see his brothers again, he hoped they were okay wherever they were. He hoped they were free, just as he hoped one day he'd be forgiven for the crime he had helped commit against the Jedi. Against friends.

"Cody, I'm not sure about" responded (Y/N), sharing what she had seen and admitting she had no idea what Cody's fate would be. She personally hoped he and every clone under the empire's control would be free, her beloved Crosshair too. Yet she doubted whether it would happen, especially when she knew the emperor would see them as a threat and thrust more likely to wipe them out rather than risk them becoming apart of the rebellion against him. "Rex and Gregor you'll eventually live with and fight side by side with them again" continued (Y/N), sweeping some of her tangled midnight braids over her shoulder, looking out into the horizon, she knew what her own fate was, although she refused to share it with anyone else. "As for Howzer, that reunion will happen sooner than you think" finished the woman known as the Night Princess, a soft smile on her lips, even more so when she knew the clones would be responsible for a lot of damage against the empire.

Each of her visions, showing clones in different areas, some within the empire training the TK troopers but not up to a reliable standard. Other clones forming what would eventually become the Rebellion to Restore the Republic. Each having valuable skills to help train fighters of the rebellion, each believing in their course as they showed their unyielding loyalty to the government they'd been created to serve and protect. Yet she had also seen Boba Fett taking over the underworld, controlling it from Jabba's Palace on Tattooine, his queen in the form of the up and coming bounty hunter Fennac Shand. Omega too would be causing far more havoc then most would expect, her place as a high ranking member of the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn, although hidden in the shadows.

Yet the most painful thing (Y/N) had seen from her visions, was the truth on what actually happened to Anakin. Instead of being killed as she had believed, he had instead become the Sith Lord few dared whisper about let alone say the name of. The one her own path was intertwined with. Vader. It had hurt (Y/N) to learn the truth, but also explained why she could still sense him despite his once warm signature now being cold and full of hate. Yet she could also have hope, knowing one day he would remember whom he was, remember those he loved and had lost, he would eventually be the true hero by bringing down the empire. Something the emperor wouldn't see coming.

"What about you?" questioned Wolffe, turning his attention to (Y/N) upon noticing she had gone quiet, quickly noticing she had become lost in her own thoughts, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Wolffe gently reached over to wipe it away, thrust bringing her back to the present. "Will you be reunited with the Bad Batch again? With Crosshair?" asked the former Commander, recalling Rex mention something about it, being one of the few to know although it had become obvious towards the end. (Y/N) could only nod slightly, knowing she was set to be parted from each of them for a little longer, but would be reunited with another loved one.

"Yeah" responded (Y/N), a soft smile coming to her lips, suspecting their would be a lot of challenges awaiting her, especially if she was to get to the point she seen in the pieces of visions. Crosshair's redemption, the brothers reunion, repairing their likely broken brotherhood. "I miss them" whispered (Y/N), finally admitting a truth she had avoiding speaking of for weeks. She did miss them all of them. She missed Wrecker's loudness and euphemism to destroy things, she missed Echo's determination and will to speak his mind, she missed Hunter's hidden sense of humor, one that could be wicked at times. She missed Tech's shameless flirting and sarcasm, just as she missed Crosshair, his softness when no one else was around, his stubbornness, even the annoying habit with the toothpick and snide comments.

Yet she could say she missed something about all the clones she had become friends with. Kix habit of recording every fail he's brothers did, Jesse's nack for getting anyone to smile, Fives endless holovids, the ones he made from Kix clips. Rex's habit of tripping over everything, even Hardcase's laughter. Tup's expressions had since burnt themselves into her memory, as had several other clones.

"I miss them too Princess. But I have hope we'll see them again" responded Wolffe, looking to the horizon too now. As if looking for one of his many brothers to come. Almost instantly he knew if Thorn was still alive, he'd the first to attempt a rescue mission, the first to stand up to the emperor and tell him to screw it. Likely followed by several others, Wolffe often found himself imagining his fallen brothers looking down on them, Fives, Heavy and Hardcase looking down on Echo, telling a few jokes. Just as he imagined the Jedi to have fallen watching over what remains of the Order, watching over the Padawan's left to fend for themselves, over other force sensitive beings and (Y/N). "If following you means fighting against the empire, then I'd do it without question. For my brothers, the Jedi and the Republic" confessed the former commander as if he was pledging his loyalty to (Y/N), something he had chosen rather than forced on him by an inhibitor chip.

"Then the empire's gonna have a problem" admitted (Y/N), finding herself determined to fight for the republic and those whom still believed in it. "Even if just one person still believes in the republic then its not lost. There's still good in galaxy, and its worth fighting for" confidently spoke (Y/N), showing her will to fight even if the cost of it was her own life. Showing she would willingly stand against the empire if it meant freedom for others. If it meant reminding the empire there were still some brave enough to stand up, to fight for the hope they believed in. 

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