"I've been thinking about it since we talked in the park."

"We're obviously not very good at keeping our hands off each other."

I ran my tongue across the back of my teeth. "Well..."

Jimin caught my eye with a chuckle. "We're not."

I laughed. "You're right, We're not."

"But there's a lot of space between where are we now and the kind of patterns you want to avoid and you and I are both very good at keeping ourselves organized."

"Organized? I guess if you're looking for a non-romantic way to talk about things, that'll work."

He laughed. "Here's the deal."

"What if you and I keep hooking up but just once every week?"

He finally pulled one of his legs up and opened his body to me.

"That way, there's a clear boundary that we can both follow and we won't slip up and get ourselves in trouble."

I thought about it carefully. Jimin was right. Clear boundaries and expectations were exactly what I needed and I was eager to find a way to keep going with him.

But a few worries still itched at the back of my neck.

"You just have to do something on your end." Jimin added.

I cocked my head to the side. "What's that?"

"You have to go to school and hang out with other people and set up your own life in Seoul."

I blinked surprised by the left turn. "What, so I have to act like an independent, modern person, or otherwise you'll stop hooking up with me?"

"Exactly." Jimin said with a wink, proud of himself.

"And no hanging out with me every single night or anything like that. We're hitting the busy season at the firm, so I won't have free time anyway."

I rolled my eyes and shoved Jimin's arm. "Wow, Jimin."

"You really know how to make a guy feel like a priority."

Jimin leaned forward on the bed, and his hand landed next to mine. "That's the point, You're supposed to be your own priority I'll care about you and treat you right but in order to do that, I have to make sure you stay on track with your own dreams."

"I can help you remember that and then we can both enjoy the reward."

My breath hitched. "The reward." I repeated, He had been thinking about me, about us and trying to find a way to treat me right.

No one ever put that kind of thought into caring for me and accepting me the way I was and here he was, doing it even with out the promise of love or a happy life together.

I leaned in to his weight, so close our lips almost brushed.

Jimin's hand landed on my chest, his palm above my heartbeat. "Just one more thing." he said.

"If this works and we keep it up we have to tell Guk."

"We can't wait much longer, He'll be too upset when he finds out."

My cock was already hard and my breath caught in my throat.

"Okay." I said with an eager nod.

"You're right,That's a good idea."

Jimin's other hand landed above my hip and he pulled me down.

He leaned on his elbow, sideways across the bed and I stretched out beside him.

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