163: Extra II (1)

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Edgar was also very surprised to meet him here. After being ridiculed, he fought back instantly, and pointed out the other party's name without mercy, "Lambert Lister - you vampires abandoned the dark beliefs. Have you changed your surname to the God of Light? Or is it only your Riester family who became traitors."

"Don't worry about it, it's better to worry about your werewolves." Lambert adjusted his glasses, and when he left, the two of them were naturally unavoidable. It can be said that there is no harmonious atmosphere.

And when the werewolf called Edgar entered the church, he happened to be heading straight for the confession room, but unfortunately, just before he was about to enter, Father Yu Yuan was suddenly called away, and he was in charge of receiving the werewolf. The priest naturally changed one.

Yu Yuan was also called away because of a temporary emergency. The knight in charge of leading the way led him all the way to the door of the church room. Yu Yuan noticed that there seemed to be some unknown knights in the corridor and felt a little strange, but he calmed down. , knocked on the door and walked in.

In the huge room, in addition to His Majesty the Pope, Hoyle Ban, there was another guest who came to visit. Before Yu Yuan could salute first, the guest stood up and reported his home.

"This is the priest I want to invite, right? I'm Durand Durrell, King of Sutton Kingdom." This extremely young man who might look more like a prince than a king stood up and stepped forward. , When Yu Yuan foolishly thought they were going to shake hands, the young king gave him a warm hug first.

The Pope coughed lightly and explained to Yu Yuan: "There is a dragon in the Sutton Kingdom, and King Durand hopes to seek the help of a priest in the Holy See, and wants to appoint you to help solve this matter.

" Father, it is an honor to have the opportunity to work for the immediate family of the royal family. He was a little flattered by such a big opportunity to fall on Yu Yuanyuan, and then looked at the young king in front of him, although the other party looked handsome, but Yu Yuan. But there is an inexplicable and inexplicable feeling, as if this person is hiding something.

Maybe it's just an illusion...

The king has always shown full trust and enthusiasm since he saw the priest, and also said that the priest is willing to go on the road with their knights at any time, so after deliberation, the time of departure was set at The next morning.

After Durand left, Yu Yuan was left alone by His Majesty the Pope. He himself lived in the Holy See when he was still an adult. It can be said that he grew up under the care of Hoyle, who was not the Pope at the time. The relationship between the two is definitely not just an ordinary priest and the Pope, but it is more intimate in private. Some.

"Yu Yuan," the Pope said softly, "Perhaps I should confirm with you more, are you really willing to go to Sutton Kingdom?"

"What's the matter, His Majesty the Pope?" Yu Yuan seemed puzzled.

"How do you feel about this king?"

"King Direl was able to rush to the Holy See in person because of the evil dragon's disturbance. This should already be a sign of his sincerity, which shows that he cares about the people." Yu Yuan did not fully express his immediate intuition." I am also willing to help him solve this incident."

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