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After dinner, Lu Mingyuan took the initiative to invite Yu Yuan to stroll along the nearby riverside.

"Have you not been congratulated on your successful completion of your first full copy after taking up the job?" Lu Mingyuan's eyes were crooked when he laughed. He didn't wear glasses today, and the warm light of the street lamp was crushed like starlight in his eyes. Are you adapting well? In fact, the testers often play games for a long time and will have a rebellious mentality. After all, they have to stay in virtual games for a long time during the day."

"Thank you Mr. Lu for your concern, I feel pretty good," Yu Yuan touched the tip of his nose a little embarrassedly, feeling that it may be because he has always been the kind of "internet addict" who loves games, so he has a new sense of holographic games Instead of fading away, I like it more and more. He sincerely praised: "The game you made is really good."

Since he took up his post, he not only learned a lot of news about Mr. Lu and Abyss Technology, but also stories about the early development of "Fantasy Journey". At that time, Lu Mingyuan was much younger than now, and he was the first in this industry to propose "NPC class". "Humanization" and created such a complete fantasy world. When Yu Yuan first searched the interview records published on the Internet and saw Mr. Lu talking to the camera about his vision, it left a deep impression on him. impression.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky that he was a strange luck. Because of a series of issues such as game bugs, he became a member of Abyss Technology through a game position that he had never considered before.

"Ha, of course this cannot be attributed to me alone," Lu Mingyuan smiled and reminded again: "By the way, don't forget to go to the monthly review of your thawing center, and the company will reimburse the expenses for this. Scope, remember to find time to apply."

Talking to this point, Yu Yuan suddenly recalled that Mr. Lu himself had mentioned that he had come out of the same thawing center as himself, and he couldn't help but mention it again, and asked curiously, "Mr. Lu used to be Baidu. Human? Or Baicheng?"

"Before" naturally refers to the era before the two entered the hibernation warehouse. Today's Baidu was still called Baicheng at that time, but just like today, it is a top-ranked city in the country.

"Yes, I was born locally and never left." Lu Mingyuan replied.

The two chatted for a while along the topic related to the thawing center, as if it was some kind of "patient exchange meeting". Lu Mingyuan, who had thawed eight or nine years earlier, had more experience in this area, and mentioned that the thaw period needs to be within one year. The things I paid attention to, I also talked about some interesting things that happened when I reintegrated into society after the thawing.

Invisibly, the distance between them has narrowed slightly. By this time, Yu Yuan can be considered to have a deep understanding of Lin Ling's saying that "Mr. Lu is very approachable", just as he is also called Mr. Lu in the company, but it may also be because of his technical background and his youthful appearance. addition? In short, a few words will make people feel that they are really easy to get along with.

As he walked, he was about to go back to the parking lot again, but this time Yu Yuan rejected Mr. Lu's proposal to drive him home, and chose to take public transportation to go back by himself.

After getting into the car alone, Lu Mingyuan leaned on the seat. In the dim light, he turned on the terminal again and stared at the top chat box, thoughtfully. Then, he swiped to the photo interface and clicked on one of the collections.

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