Chapter twenty six: The Trial I

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Caiman stood in a large circular chamber. Around the walls were rows and rows of seats, with mostly MudWings sitting in them, watching him. He could tell they were staring from the shine reflecting off their stern brown eyes.

A skylight shone from the center of the ceiling, high above Caiman, which illuminated a spotlight of sunbeams over where he stood, and left the rest of the dragons in shadow, except for Queen Moorhen. She had her own balcony, high above but facing him, and glowworms dimly illuminated her face in a strange blueish light, which caused the jewels she was adorned with to sparkle, and gave her a strange spectral air.

Next to Caiman there was another, smaller, spotlight, but no one stood there yet.

"Caiman of the MudWings." Moorhen's regal voice boomed. "You are accused of two counts of murder, one for your sister Moss, and another for your sister Mosquito. How do you plead?"

Caiman took a deep breath and prepared to speak, even though he felt like his legs would collapse under him at any moment. "Not guilty." He said, his voice strong and clear.

"Very well." Moorhen said, "I summon the prosecutor to the stand."

A thin MudWing with a very severe looking face and large cheekbones walked into the spotlight next to Caiman. He had warm brown scales and green eyes so pale they almost looked like a greyish-white.

"The accused stands in this court, claiming his innocence while he has previously confessed to his crimes, and later pleaded insanity. Which is it, Caiman, are you a cold-blooded killer, a maniac, or an innocent who had nothing to do with the murder?" The shrill dragon asked rhetorically, "How many tales will you spin, and where does it end? With all your siblings getting killed? Both of Caiman's living siblings, Newt and Quagmire, have previously testified against him. These two dragons have known Caiman his entire life, and swore, under oath of honesty to the Queen, against his moral character. What does this say about the accused, I ask you all? Even his sibs, including his bigwings, believe he is at fault, and how can we deny their pledge when Caiman was with both Moss and Mosquito for many hours in isolated locations, right before they turned up dead? Citizens of the Mud Kingdom, I believe we settled this case long ago, when we sentenced Caiman to be put on display, and eventually executed. A sib-murderer does not belong in our kingdom, and-"

"Move on, Sedge." Moorhen interrupted, "Bring your witnesses to the stand."

"Very well, my Queen." Sedge said, bowing.

Caiman was dragged by his shackles out of the spotlight, and to the side of the room, near the walls where the seats began. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to being in the shadow.

Into the main spotlight, Newt stepped.

Tears filled Caiman's eyes, and he looked away. Although he had seen her many times throughout the years when Caiman's case was brought back to court, it was always hard to hear her advocate against his innocence.

"Newt, do you swear by the Queen, and by the Kingdom, that you will tell only the truth?" Sedge asked.

"Yes." Newt answered, her tone level and self-assured, her amber eyes avoiding looking back at Caiman.

"And you confirm that you are indeed Caiman's sister?"


"Then tell us the events of the day that Moss went missing."

Newt took a sharp inhale, and started her tale. Caiman had heard this hundreds of times before. Newt had a sharp memory, she was easily the cleverest of their sib group, so she told the story exactly the same every time. No detail changed or altered from her original view of the events.

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