Chapter twenty four: Healing

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Mudskipper paced outside of the medic's cave. The wooden door was shut, but not locked, although there was a 'do not disturb' sign hung off of a nail on the door. My father, he's in there... And he's got his personality back! His life and his emotions!

Mudskipper wrung his talons, But... he hasn't been himself in three years. I wonder if he remembers everything that happened, or if it will feel like waking up from a bad dream. I hope it isn't too overwhelming for him.

The door cracked open. A pale green RainWing stuck her head out of the door. "He's awake now, if you want to see him."

Mudskipper entered the room. There were windows, but they were shut away by thick curtains. Caiman, Violet, and Palemoon were resting on pillows in a far corner of the room, as they had all suffered severe concussions from being knocked out by Tide. There were four rock outcroppings covered with blankets and cushioned with pillows. One, Rose lay in. She was still asleep, and had suffered from a broken wing and several broken ribs. The other held Mudskipper's father.

His pale blue eyes met Mudskipper's own, and Tide managed a weak smile. His neck and wing were bandaged, and he had gotten through the fall with only a dislocated shoulder.

Mudskipper approached him, and Tide grasped his talon and squeezed it fiercely. "I know it's you..." He whispered, "I could tell as soon as you walked in here... I wanted to keep you, but she-" Tide's voice broke at the mention of Mosquito, and he squeezed his eyes tight, letting thin rivulets of tears stream down his cheeks.

"It's OK." Mudskipper whispered, "It's OK", He leaned forward and hugged his dad as best he could without hurting him.

"It's so strange..." Tide whispered, "I experienced all those things, so long ago... but I've only been able to feel them properly today. And most of my memories are... poisoned..." He took in a deep breath, "I'm sickened, to think of what she made me feel, what she made me do."

"It's over now, you're safe." Mudskipper reassured him.

"I can't believe the last time I was myself... was when I found my sister dead three years ago. I feel like I've been revived from the dead. Like I was just a zombie following her orders all that time." Tide looked up and into Mudskipper's eyes. "What did my parents end up naming you?"

"Mudskipper." He whispered.

Tide smiled, as he shut his eyes and rested his head. "That's a good name."

Mudskipper let his father rest, and walked over to Rose's bed. He peered down at faer, watching faer chest rise and fall rhythmically.

"They said she should be fine." Mudskipper heard Caiman's voice behind him.

Mudskipper turned his head to see the face of his uncle.

"She doesn't look fine." Skipper commented.

"She'll be fine." Caiman insisted. "She has to be."

Mudskipper could hear rain outside of the mountain, thundering and pouring. He could even smell it through the window. Rain made everything fresh and new, it healed the earth and brought new life. I hope that means that Tide and Rose will be alright.

Behind Mudskipper, the door to the medic room opened. Out through it stepped Capuchin, his scales a swirl of dark red, pale green, and white. "You four, come with me. Now."

Violet and Palemoon looked up, shocked and somewhat nervous expressions on their faces, but they complied.

They followed Capuchin down the hallway, their talonsteps echoing through silent walkways, and into his classroom. Although he looked furious, the curtains were closed on the window, so the light wouldn't affect the concussed dragonets.

"All of you, right now, need to tell me what the hell happened to my daughter." He said, his voice measured but filled with anger.

The four of them looked at each other, unsure who should start.

"I- I guess I should start the story." Palemoon said nervously, "I was the one who had the prophecy, after all."

Palemoon explained how he had his nightmares, and that his fears of a prophecy were confirmed when he saw the scroll Rose had gotten from Scrollkeeper.

Violet took over, explaining their plans and the lies they concocted to tell Capuchin and Trueheart.

Occasionally Caiman jutted in to tell about the amulet and his and Rose's conversations.

Violet continued with the story through Caiman's rescue, all the way to the confrontation with Mosquito, and how Rose prevented Tide from killing any students.

Capuchin furrowed his brow, "Why didn't she tell me any of this?"

"We were afraid that getting the school involved would cause Mosquito to act rashly and attack quicker." Caiman explained.

"I'm not 'the school', I'm her father! She told me to trust her when she brought you to our house. I trusted her, I do trust her, but I do not trust you." Capuchin said, anger flaring in his eyes. "You do not endanger my children. Do you understand?"

Caiman nodded, tears in his eyes.

Capuchin sighed, his scales shifting to a dark grey-blue. "Maybe I'll forgive you, in a little while. But not yet." He said, leaving the room.

The four of them sat there in silence. An air of shame hung around them.

"I shouldn't have stayed behind with Mosquito. I should have gone with Rose, to protect him." Caiman said, his head hanging low.

"You wouldn't have been fast enough." Violet pointed out, "Rose was the SkyWing. Each of us played our part in killing Mosquito, that's why five were needed. Claws of Sky, Rain, Mud, Sea, and Night. We needed my camouflage and venom, your personal knowledge of Mosquito, Palemoon's visions, Mudskipper's magic, and Rose's planning and speed. Otherwise the world would be in chaos."

"But there could have been another-"

"There was no other way." Violet insisted, "We did the best we could. We did what the prophecy asked of us. Capuchin is upset, as he should be. His child, a dragonet, was injured without him knowing why or who to blame. I don't think bringing a parent's anger down upon us was avoidable. We did what we had to do. I know Trueheart will be furious with all of us when we get home."

Caiman sighed, "I guess. I just can't help but feel responsible."

"She's right," Mudskipper said, "We can't blame ourselves that Rose got hurt saving the world. He knew the risks, and he's going to be just fine. He's going to heal, and then we can go back to school like normal, and everything will be alright."

"I hope you're right." Palemoon added.

Three dragons entered the room. Sunny, Fatespeaker, and Clay. Fatespeaker looked as angry as was possible for her, and Clay looked quiet, almost sad. Sunny's expression was somewhat sympathetic, concern in her green eyes as she looked up at Caiman, then down. She avoided eye contact as she spoke.

"I'm sorry Crawfish, I mean- Caiman," Sunny said, "The MudWing authorities are here to arrest you."

Sunny stepped aside, and Mudskipper watched as his uncle was tackled to the ground by two large MudWing soldiers, shackled, and dragged away.

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