Chapter fifteen: Containment

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Mudskipper stood on a cliff edge. He was at the coastal border of the rainforest, and he held a rock in his talons. The waves splashed, sending droplets of spray into his face. The familiar smell of the sea was refreshing. It reminded him of his grandparents, and of home.

He remembered his grandpa, and how he healed him. It had only been about a week before he had discovered his powers, and now he was getting ready to give it all up. What if ma gets sick too? How will I protect her? A part of him still believed animus magic could be used for good. His mind was swirling with doubts, but he knew it was necessary. Anything to prevent another Mosquito. I can't protect anyone if I'm always worrying about going evil. It's too much power for anyone to handle, much less a two year old.

He had already done his last spells. He had planned them out carefully, and discussed them with Rose and Caiman, with supervision from Caiman's magical eye.

He enchanted a piece of jewelry belonging to each of the others, an earring of Caiman's, Rose's nose ring, a silver hoop earring of Palemoon's, and a thin copper anklet of Violet's.

Each object had the same enchantment, Enchant this piece of jewelry to protect the wearer from enchantments placed by any animus dragon.

Mudskipper had made the spell nonspecific to Mosquito, in case the five of them had to fight another animus dragon sometime soon. He doubted it was likely, but it was better to be cautious.

After he had placed his spell he flew out here to the coast, and now faced his decision. He had planned to enchant the rock to contain all of his animus magic, and to throw it out into the ocean. He hesitated, and put down the rock.

He held it in his hands, gazing down at it furtively. He stood for a long moment, thinking, and then he said aloud: "Enchant this rock to transform into a bronze horn band that fits me perfectly, that contains all my magic, and can only be used by me."

The rock transformed in front of his eyes, to a small circular band of gleaming brown metal. He put the band around his right horn and took a deep breath. He turned back to face the rainforest, with a new sense of resolve.

I'll get rid of my magic once and for all, when Mosquito is dead.

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