Chapter 7: HERO DOJO & Battle Training

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Later the same day


Izuku: Wow it's been a while since we've been there right Kacchan ?

Katsuki: Yeah they were all weak.

Izuku: Let's go we maybe find someone strong enough this time.

Katsuki: tsk why not I have nothing to do anyways.

The duo enter, while some turn theirs heads and remember the ass kicking they got before and start running outside the dojo the other continue their practice peacefully.

Katsuki: Heh looks like some are still scared of me. Hm?

Someone caught the attention of Katsuki, he start walking toward her.

Katsuki: Hey ! Seaweed hair !

Setsuna: Hmm ? Oh ! Hey blondie ! It's been a while huh.

Katsuki: Yeah. You still training with those weaklings ?

Setsuna: Yeah its still fun and sometime you have some good pro-hero to train with.

Katsuki: If you say so. Want to spare with me ?

Setsuna: Prepare to lose this time !

The fight start but 30 seconds later she lost easily.

Setsuna: Seriously ?! Can't you let me win ?

Katsuki: Hell no ! and what's wrong with your fighting stance ?!

Setsuna: What it's wrong ?

Katsuki: Yeah it's mediocre even no wonder your an extra !

Setsuna: Repeat that you bastard !

Katsuki: It's mediocre even no wonder your an extra ! and I'm going to show you how to do it properly !

Setsuna: Alright you little fu- Wait what ? Just like that ?

Katsuki: Yeah. I mean you have talent in martial arts but you clearly didn't have anyone to teach you properly.

Setsuna: Humm Okay then show me.

Katsuki: start teaching Setsuna how to fix her fighing stance. Meawhile in Izuku's side.

Izuku fought multiple people and win which give him a disapointed feeling since he win them easily and pretty fast.

Izuku: *sigh* " I beat 15 people and 3 were Pro-heroes... I don't mean to disrespect them but... So weak." At least Kacchan is having fun.

Suddenly the elevetor open an revealed 2 pro-heroines Mikuko and Midnight but not in theirs hero costume, they were wearing some casual gym clothes, The green teen turn his head and see the 2 mature womans.

Izuku:*blush* "They.. Umm I know it's just a casual outfits but... No no bad me !"

The 2 womans notice Izuku very fast with all the people on the ground surrounding him and were impressed to see that.

Midnight: Oh my~ Midoriya it's nice to see you here.

Miruko: Yo Midoriya long time no see !

Izuku: H-Hello Midnight-sensei and hello to you to Miruko.

Midnight: Why are you blushing ?

At that question Izuku look at the 2 womans and blush harder not noticing that Katsuki watch him from afar, Midnight staring at him with a teasing look and Miruko looking at Midnight wondering what she's going to do with a hidden smirk. 

Midnight: Ara ara~ Midoriya are you looking at us with dirty thought ? what a naughty boy.

Izuku: N-N-No I-I-I wouldn't dare d-d-doing that !

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