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         y/n simply sat and watched a girl whose name she could only assume was Zoe due to the whispers of the classroom , start to flirt with Daniel. She didn't understand why everybody had such a problem with the girl she was only shooting her shot , they all acted as though they wouldn't so the same if givin the opportunity.
         However the girls thoughts where quickly interrupted when the pretty girl named Mira who just so happened to be her seatmate started to talk to her.

           "So y/n you recently moved from *country* , howcome ?" The girl innocently asked with a smile painted on her lips.

        y/n blushed slightly , she wasn't used to people actually caring about her personal life instead of her appearance it was refreshing. However she wasn't comfortable with telling the truth for it was a sensitive subject.

        "I urm have family members that my father wanted me and my brother's to be closer too so we moved" the girl sheepishly answered scratching the back of her nape , technically it wasn't a lie yet it wasn't really the truth either.

       After this Mira and y/n went into idle chit chat discussing their favourite things , places and foods etc. This would surely be a wonderful friendship if not more in the future.

* time skip *

         y/n had been offered to join mira and Zack for lunch in the canteen however she had politely declined, she didn't think she would be able to handle Zacks "confident" personallity nor would she be able to handle all the stares that she had been getting through out the school morning.

         The girl had wandered through the school grounds , she rather enjoyed the breeze of the trees that the school had planted around , along with some flowers that shockingly none of the students had destroyed. "there must be rules for protecting school property"  The girl thought sourly because it was obvious there wasn't any in place to protect the students which in her opinion was just as if not more  important as the school property.

        Sadly, the girl had yet again been interrupted from her somewhat calming thoughts as she saw the other transfer student Daniel be surrounded by those that she could only refer to as "morons" they seemed as though had all the academic knowledge of a barbaric caveman from the dawn of time and they had all the grace and decorum of a shit filled dump truck, she wasn't judging them by their appearance but by the way she had seen them treat others in their classroom , it disgusted the girl as she silently thought of all the ways that she could absolutely oblitera- . No she was more sophisticated then to indulge with a bunch of baboons .

       She watched silently not planning on intervening as the morons complimented Daniel for his appearance , not bothering to ask him about personal questions rather they made assumptions about him. Knowing she would get ticked off if she stayed there any longer she briskly walked off wondering what she would have to eat after school.

 *time skip*

       School had finished and y/n was walking out the school gates , still rather amused at what had happened less than an hour ago. You see , Zoe park had woken up Daniel as he was sleeping , as a result of this Daniel had cursed loudly, making it seem as though he was angry at the girl when in reality he was rather grateful.

      As she walked she gathered a rather large amount of attention , not that she cared she was more focused on how awkward it would be when she got to her new home. She had recently been adopted , not a foster home like it usually was , she was actually adopted , by a wealthy man aswell may I add.

     She now also had three new brothers , who had also been adopted by the wealthy man whose name was Johan l/n. She didn't think of them as arragont or rude , not at all she actually thought they were very kind and accepting she couldn't see a single ill intent towards her.

      But the whole concept of having an actual family was new to her , in the passed she had simply been tossed around from one foster home to another never knowing if she had biogical parents or not because it had been like that since as long as she could remeber.

        She was adopted only two weeks ago and she had spent the first week moving into the house and actually getting to South Korea and the second trying to get a job and also trying to as politely as one possibly could to avoid her new found family.

         Y/n quickly realised she had spent far too long procrastaning as she realised she was finally home , she twisted the key into her door and prepared for whatever chaos was about to ensue.

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