Ch.13: Preparations

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Agatha was practically fuming as she stomped through the dimly-lit halls, the four of us trailing quietly behind her. I had to keep hold of Elsie's arm because the Wind Slifer had her eyes set on Agatha's back, and I could just see the look of contempt Elsie threw at the older woman. Keeping Elsie from attempting to drain the air supply out of Agatha's lungs was my own way of distracting myself from what the founder of the Congress had informed us moments ago.

Both Vallas and Imarnia were under their own rulers.

The queasiness piling at the pit of my stomach was an odd comfort because it allowed me to focus on the unsettling feeling rather than what could be happening at the palace right now. I stole a glance at Redmond. His gaze rested on the floor, but his vibrant green eyes seemed drained out of color, his mouth set in a firm line. His mind must be roaming with the same thoughts that invaded mine. I reached a hand to touch his shoulder, and he flinched slightly, his face snapping to mine. He only blinked in response.

Agatha turned a corner, and I realized I wasn't familiar with this route to the council room. Then again, the previous one was in shambles thanks to Agatha's outburst, so they must be using a different one.

The small-figured woman had reached a set of double doors, and in less than a second, they were slammed open as a loud bang sounded. This room was far smaller than its predecessor and much less extravagant, but now wasn't the time to point out the differences.

So many faces turned to look at us, and I wasn't able to register them all before Agatha bellowed, "Tell me how the hell did this happen!?"

Gerard stepped forward, dressed in heavy-looking metal armor despite the bloody bandages wrapped around his head. "Your Excellence, we got news from both General Aero and Teo about the attack. It seems that Queen Adria and King Gabriel appeared with a swarm of wizard hunters by their side. It's-"

"Teo!" Redmond exclaimed at the tall, dark-skinned woman standing behind Gerard. For a moment, I thought she was General Malla, and the resemblance was uncanny. Although, Teo had short black hair and appeared less burly compared to Malla. She wore a fitting golden armor that was stained scarlet with blood, and on her chest was the crest of Vallas; the sun and moon perched atop mountains.

By her side stood a towering long-haired man with the deepest grimace on his hard-edge face, and from the half-broken gold and white crown on his disheveled head, I knew this was the regent king of Vallas; King Rivan.

"Redmond," Teo spoke with a smooth voice, her tense shoulders relaxing for a moment, "Gerard told me about your condition. I'm glad you're safe."

She turned to inspect our faces; by that, I mean mine and the two remaining Slifers in the room. I also did not fail to notice the tight grip on her golden-tipped spear. As if sensing he should say something, Redmond cleared his throat. "Guys, this is Teo. She's General Malla's younger sister and her second-in-command. And," he bowed his head at the silent man peering intently at us, "King Rivan, it's good to see that you're unharmed."

The other man scoffed, although not sneeringly. "Teo here dragged me out of the palace before I could even comprehend what was going on." Then those sharp eyes settled on our faces. "Though, I must say. It's extraordinary to see so many Slifers in one room."

Ayana shifted in her place uncomfortably while Elsie almost simpered in smug pride, and Redmond gave a single nod. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at yet again another member of a royal family.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're special! I was getting tired of hearing it...

"What happened, exactly?" I asked, "And what about General Malla? Where is she?"

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