Ch.5: Empty Shadows

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Queen Adria's light beam flashed so brightly that none of us could move an inch. But I did hear a scream, and it was Redmond's.

He flung back sharply, whooshing through the air that I could barely make him out. When he landed on the hard ground, I flinched when I heard bones cracking.

"We need to get her away from the civilians!" Lucius shouted, his form reappearing as the light diminished.

Dorian and Gerard were quickly on the move, retreating from her range and towards the people scramming to escape. I didn't understand what was going on. Why did Her Majesty attack us? Why did she look as if she had no idea who we were?

But my instincts told me to push those questions to the back of my mind for now.

I sprinted for Redmond, the queen's empty eyes following my every step. Kneeling down and hoisting up his shoulders, I noted the light particles fading from his skin. He groaned, coughing blood and dirt.


"Can you stand?" I urged him. Adria was gazing down on us with dangerous intent.

He nodded his answer, attempting to pull himself off. He released short breaths through his mouth, hissing at the pain.

"You're lucky this didn't kill you."

"It almost did," he bit back.

Adria made a humming noise, almost like she wanted to say something. That powerful magic came to life again, rumbling from within the ground beneath us. My stomach dropped when I saw the floating orb of golden light on her palm. I tugged at Redmond's tunic, trying to yank him forward. His green-brown eyes widened at the definite threat.

She didn't even blink before she hurled it at us.

I braced myself to form a shield of fire. Redmond was quicker, though, as he slapped the palm of his hand down, and spiked vines sprouted from the earth. One pierced through the light sphere, and the other shot straight for the queen's arm.

She gracefully dodged it, the metal clinking off her armor like a soft whisper. Nonetheless, the attack gave us a brief chance. We darted to the side, getting as far away from her as possible.

The smooth skin around the queen's mouth twitched, and those hollow eyes narrowed. She was obviously annoyed. But her attention diverted elsewhere, and she turned her body around almost like a statue.

Gerard, Dorian, and Lucius were barking orders for the village people to find somewhere to hide. Orm and a silvery hawk led the children away from the crumbled clock tower.

"She's going after them," I said, panic lacing my voice.

"Why would she do this?" Redmond couldn't master the unfiltered shock. "I don't understand."

"Perhaps we could ask her once she stops trying to kill us."

Another rumble of magic, and this time, thin strings of pure white light wove around her body. They twisted up her arm, then expanded as they rushed from her fingertips. They soared high, solidifying, before dropping down to rain on the villagers.

My feet kicked off in a run, Redmond faltering in his steps before following behind me.

It was Lucius whose magic barricaded the terrified lives. The profound violet energy oozed out of him to paint an arch in the sky, breaking apart the light spears. Dorian's ghostly wolves unhinged their jaws and slashed their claws, tearing off what remained.

"Adria, stop!" Redmond called out, and I had to place my arm before his chest so he wouldn't do anything as stupid as running to her. "You don't want to do this!"

The Shadows That Burn (Daughter of Fire #2)Where stories live. Discover now