Ch.7: A Slim Chance

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Lydia Voltaire

"She's waking up." A soft voice spoke in my head.

I could hear the shuffling of bodies, feel the warmth of the heavy blankets cloaked around me, and smell the pungent aroma of dried medical roots.

I peeled my eyes open -a slow, painful action -and immediately groaned at the sudden brightness that welcomed me. My body already felt like I had been buried underneath a mountain of rocks, and now my head wouldn't stop spinning. Needless to say, it felt like shit.

Blinking as fast as I could, my vision finally adjusted to the pale-blue room I was in, and in doing so, I couldn't help but let out a sigh. The infirmary always managed to make me feel even worse than any wound I had.

Something about its bland, azure walls and white-caped metal beds strangely irked me, and even if there were no patients residing, it somehow always smelled of intense alcohol and fermented herbs. Not to mention the massive painting of Agatha Alastair hanging over the medicine cabinets, peering down at you the moment you were reeled in.

I tried to focus on lifting my chest, using my arms to prop myself. I noted that I was dressed in a dark-green, almost square-shaped gown. My skin smelt strongly of herbal ointment. Nothing was bandaged up, thankfully.

"Lydia, how are you feeling?" It was Ayana who sat on the edge of the bed, her face paler than usual.

It took me one moment to register her presence. To my right, Redmond sat on a bed similar to mine, wearing the same-exact gown with blankets covering his legs. Unlike me, I could see white bandages showing under his sleeve. Elsie stood over him, her mouth set in a firm line.

"What happened?" I managed to croak out. My throat felt like I had just swallowed a pile of glass.

Ayana noticed my discomfort and quickly poured me a glass of water from the table beside me. I eagerly drank it, almost choking on the refreshing coldness.

"As you probably know, you two were brought here unconscious," informed Elsie. "Redmond's arm was bleeding, and you had a few bruises on your back."

My hand consciously went to touch the top of my back. It didn't hurt at all, but there was the feeling of dullness pulsing with each move.

"Don't worry," Ayana assured me. "The healer did a good job. She said there wouldn't be any scarring. You were only unconscious because your magic was strained."

Elsie snorted. "Honestly, Redmond had it much worse, and you were the one looking almost dead."

I ignored her and turned to Redmond. "How are you feeling?"

He cracked a half-smile, none of it reaching his tired eyes. "My arm is fine. Though the rest of me is...I'm not so sure."

I knew what he meant because my head was swimming with the same thoughts. So, I changed the subject...for now. "How long was I asleep?"

"Six hours. Redmond woke up before you a while back. Though, he was immediately bombarded with questions the moment he opened his eyes," said Ayana, glancing at Redmond, who looked like all energy had drained from him. "You'll also be spending the night. You can get out tomorrow."

It felt like days. I gritted my teeth. "I don't want to stay here!"

Being holed up here, unable to do anything, I couldn't take it. Not when Gabriel...

Not when he's in that state.

Elsie rolled her eyes. "You'll have to. Both of you, or you won't hear the end of it from Agatha. She's already on the brink of losing her mind."

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