"I didn't find it important to tell" He smiled at me. When I met Jisung I remember him saying he went to university. When did he stop?

"Besides I have a full time job in the dance school so like" He looked at Hyunjin and Felix now. "I don't really care"

Hyunjin was a bit stunned. "How do you have your life together at 21?" Jisung laughed. Felix hummed "I think I'd still go to uni though, there's fun times"

Hyunjin hummed. "Exactly! Like my dance classes, so much fun" He smiled and then looked to me. "You still have to join"

"I do?" I rose a brow. Jisung giggled. "Oo what kind of dances do you do?"

Hyunjin smiled. "A lot of sexual looking one's" He answered. Jisung went red and turned to me. "Go" He held an innocent smile.

"Excuse me-"

"I said go"

I gave him a look. "I swear if you're making me go to just see me dance in an inappropriate way-"

"That's exactly what I'm saying" Everyone laughed at this. I rolled my eyes but I knew the blush on my cheeks exposed me.

We got our food and ended up being in our own worlds. Felix and Hyunjin were chatting away with one another while Jisung and I ate quietly.

It was really odd to not speak with Jisung while eating food because we usually are really chaotic. He seemed to feel that too.

"Why aren't we talking?" He leaned in and whispered. I chuckled. "Why are you whispering?" I replied.

Then he chuckled. "Do you think it's cause we're with people?" He asked. I hummed "Maybe" It was an obvious answer. It definitely was because there was people.

People we knew.

"Like.. Remember the popcorn and mcflurry?" He asked and I laughed loudly. I covered my mouth. "Especially the mcflurry" I grinned.

Jisung tutted and rolled his eyes. "Of course you remembered that more"

"What can I say, it was rather sweet" I smirked. Jisung and I started getting confident in talking again, probably cause we slipped into our own world forgetting everyone else around us.

"Of course it was sweet Minho, you kissed me when I had ice cream in my mouth"

I felt a pair of eyes on me, I glanced over to Felix and saw him looking at me with shocked eyes. He didn't say anything though.

I gave him an awkward smile and he smiled back and turned back to focus on Hyunjin.

"Oh my god" I covered my face with my hands. Jisung chuckled and brought them down. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Don't be embarrassed~"

"Mm sure, easy for you to say" I took a bite of my burger. Jisung laughed and continued eating his fries.

We got outside after paying and stood around the enterence. Felix and Hyunjin came out after us holding hands.

I internally died because again low-key if you think about it I made these two get together.

Jisung was holding my hand and scrolling through his phone. I had no idea what he was looking at. It looked like a note in his notepad but i couldn't really read the words.

He wasn't really slowly reading the thing. "Wow Jisung, you're so interested in your date right now" Felix teased making Jisung look up from his phone.

"Huh? Oh" He shrugged. "Minho knows I'm interested in him anyway"

"Then why are you looking at your phone when you could be talking with Minho?" He was only teasing but I saw a glint of annoyance in Jisung's eyes.

"What? Do you want me to prove to you I like him now?" He was being genuinely serious. Hyunjin tugged at Felix's hand to make him drop the subject. He did not get the message.

"I'm only teasing-"

"Mm well I didn't find it funny" Jisung Rose a brow. Not to be that person right now but dammnnn.. He was hot ahem-

"Oh-sorry-" Felix mumbled. "I just wanted to know why you were on your phone instead of you know.. Talking.."

Jisung hummed and slid his phone into his pocket. "I can do a lot more to him at my place than just talking" He smiled.

I choked on my breath while Hyunjin and Felix stared at him shocked. "OKAY!!" Hyunjin announced

"Moving on" He laughed nervously. I cleared my throat "Yeah.." Jisung laughed as did Felix.

"See Hyunjin, we could be like that too"



Hyunjin sighed and smiled. He looked at us "So are you two gonna go do your own thing?" He asked. I glanced at Jisung and saw him nod his head. "I'm guessing you two are as well"

This wasn't part of the plan. I saw Felix staring at me with panic. I gave him a small smile reassuring him he'd be fine.

Hyunjin hummed "Yeah, I have a little something planned" He laughed. I made an impressed look "Enjoy!"

I then dragged Jisung off while laughing knowing Felix was internally gay panicking.

+. - +. - +. -

Should I warn that some spicy stuff is coming up in the next chapter I think?

I'll have a warning put anyways and you can skip it if it's uncomfortable for you~

Some people like to read it so that is why I have it written :)

Anyways have a great day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now