Chapter Six

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quick warning: brief mentions of y/n having a small panic attack. its not a serious one, but still. be safe.

"Okay, before we begin-i'm not being arrested, am I?"

You were pale in the face as you entered Chief Hopper's office, but instantly deflate when seeing Jonathan and Nancy sitting together inside there as well with the man of the hour standing next to his desk. Joyce, Jonathan's mother, was also there standing, and you gulp as everyone's attention landed on you.

Hopper stalks up to you. "You're not in any trouble, don't worry, kid," He reassures you gruffly, and you exhale thankfully. You were so gonna be in deep shit if you were, and you'd love to avoid getting into trouble that may mean your mother has to get involved.

"H- Hi, I'm Joyce Byers, Will's and Jonathan's mother," You turn your head and watch as the woman smiles shakily yet kind at you as she holds out her trembling hand. You make sure not to comment on it out of respect and nod. "Hi...I'm, uh, (Y/n). (L/n), (Y/n), yeah, uh..." Hopper decides to cut to the chase, cutting your little introduction off. "I was told you had access to files that came from some sort of lab that you had managed to tap into about whatever the hell is going on here." Your eyes widen, and you feel your heart drop.

You glance briefly towards Jonathan and Nancy, before gulping when noticing the looks on Hopper and Joyce's faces. They obviously were looking to you for most of the help now that they knew you knew about all this, and you can only sigh as you ran a hand through your hair.

"I....I do. Yes, I somehow managed to on accident." He glances over at Joyce, who grips her hands tightly together before turning back to you. Hopper turns the pictures in his hand over to you, and you take them. Narrowing your eyes, you scan the images before you before your breath hitches when you notice the monster on the side.

"Do you know what that thing is?" Hopper asks slowly, and you shake your head just as slow. "I don't...I don't know a name, the files never mentioned one. It was just... a bunch of serial numbers, but never an actual name." You close your eyes, desperate to remember any details you could off the top of your mind, but no name pops up. "Alright. Do you know what attracts this thing? Or how to kill it maybe?" You hesitate before answering. "It's attracted to blood, to kill it? I don't...I don't remember." He nods before asking you one last question.

"Do you think we could see these files? Is there still a way we can?"

You, once again, hesitate. What would showing them the files even do? And what would you do if they found out you were the one who even downloaded them and got them on accident? You slowly begin to shake your head no, and they all deflate. "I- I panicked and deleted them when- when I first saw them." You lied, and you ignored the way Nancy shot you side looks. It was obvious she knew you were hiding something, but you wouldn't let her figure out what it was just yet.

Not only you knew it was definitely safe.

For the rest of the day, you sat home in your room watching whatever was on tv. You were far too deep into your thoughts to care about anything else, but now that you find your mind wandering, your brain somehow decided to remind you about Steve fucking Harrington of all people. Why were you even wasting your time thinking of that asshole? He obviously was a dick, and he absolutely deserved whatever was to come his way.

You mean, who could be that much of a bastard to sully his own girlfriend's name like that just because of whatever reason they may be fighting for? Who the hell does that?

"Stupid pretty boys and their dumbass issues," You scowl. "Why the hell did I even- let myself be tricked in the first place?" As you sit up in your bed, you, for some odd reason, find your heart aching just a tad bit. Even though he had been annoying, you had to admit that deep down, you wanted to be friends with the slightly less mean version of Steve that he showed to you in the store that day. He actually seemed tolerable then, and you wondered what he'd be like if he wasn't friends with Tommy or Carole, the main assholes of their trio of a group.

miss know it allМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя