Chapter One

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The sound of clicking on a computer was herd throughout the entirety of the dark room located in the attic of the (L/n)'s household. No light was seen in the room besides the one emitting from the screen, and that said light reflected onto the spectacles of the glasses on the silhouette's face, which sits hunched over in the chair in front of it-you.

In fact, there was more than one monitor in that room. The one in front of her was square, whilst the other two beside her were wider with their screens. Technology had advanced quite a bit, since it is the 80s, but the stuff you've invented was way ahead of your time. The monitor on the right showed video feeds of different cameras located around the house, and on it, you could see your little sister, Ashton (L/n), in her room playing with her little toys and speaking into whatever that walkie talkie was used for.

You and her little sister weren't that close, since you were always in your room doing things that were....well, technically illegal, but as long as you don't get caught, you'd be perfectly fine.

Your eyes scan a multitude of documents that pop up on your screen, and you can't help but raise your thumb to your mouth and bite down on your nail as you scanned them all. This was mostly what you needed, and from what you could tell, all of this would definitely come in handy. However, before you could do anything, the sound of knocking on the attic's door caused you to freeze up.

"(Y/n)! It's almost time for school!"

You grimace. You had nearly forgot.

- * -

"Alright, do you have everything?"

You lean back in your car seat, eyes fixated on your sister who counted everything in her backpack before giving you a grin. "Yup. I got everything." You awkwardly nod and watch as she gets out of the car. She pushes the door close, and waves goodbye to you briefly before heading on towards the building. Hawkins Middle School is the school she attends, and from what you could remember, unlike you, she actually has friends to hang out with.

Meh. Who cares honestly.

Sighing, you push on the stick shift and make your way to your own school. You were sure your parents would be sending you to college with how filthy stinking rich they are once you were done with high-school, and you don't even know what their occupations were, just that they both bring money to the table to provide for you and your sister. You drive into the parking lot, get into your favorite parking spot, and get your things ready to go.

As you got out of the car, your eyes fell onto a familiar group hanging around their own car. Nancy Wheeler and her boyfriend, Steve Harrington, along with his other two asshole bunch of friends. Nancy was an okay girl honestly, but you preferred to talk to her other friend, Barbara more. Barb was incredibly nice to you, and even helped you whenever you needed it, so, you considered her one of your closer friends than anyone else. On the other hand...your eyes shift to the boy by her side, and you grimace.

Steve Harrington was a guy you'd never ever find yourself getting along with, especially since he was the so called king of the school.

Nancy's eyes lock with your own, and your hidden eyes blink as she manages to wave a bit at you. You don't wave back, simply staring before you grab your book bag and make your way inside of the school. You noticed the way Steve's eyes landed on you as well as you did, and you ignored the obvious way they instantly began to shit talk you.

Your first class of the day was one you actually liked, seeing that it was in the field of science. Since you were passing all of your classes, you simply either slept or tapped away on your phone. When the bell rang, you were the third person out of the door and in the hallway. You grimace at how many people bumped you as they went past, and you wanted to trip the guy whose backpack nearly almost took you out with how he swung his shoulder around.

As you make your way down the hall, you're not surprised to see Barbara standing beside Nancy, who was paying attention to Steve, who was speaking. Whatever they were talking about couldn't be too important since an idiot like Steve was in on the conversation. Scoffing to yourself, you brush your messy hair down even further as you make sure you continue on pass them. As you pass by Barbara, you couldn't help but tense as she suddenly directs her attention to you.

"(Y/n)!" Barbara was quick to hug you, making you slightly scowl as Tommy, Carole, Steve and Nancy's attention was suddenly on you as well. "I didn't even know you came to school today," She teasingly said in your ear and you brush her off of you stiffly. "Oh? Look, its that weirdo who barely shows up to school, let alone class." Carole snickers, popping her gum. You don't bother to respond to such annoyance, simply pushing your glasses up on the bridge of your nose.

"Barbara, Nancy," You send them both stiff nods, as to which they both wave a greeting to you in response. Your eyes lock with Steve's, and he instantly looks you up and down. It was almost awkward with how he was inspecting you. "So, you gonna introduce us to your friend or what, Nance?" You internally scoff, and without a word, you simply turn around and continue your way to your class.

Carole's and Tommy's harsh remarks behind your back didn't make it to your ears at all, and honestly, you couldn't care less.

- * -



Your mother winces at your nonchalance, shooting her husband a look at your actions as to which he simply glances away. Nobody could blame you for how you were acting, they barely raised you after all. You had every right to dislike the both of them, but that also didn't mean you had to be that way in front of your little sister at dinner. "Put your phone away, we're...we're having family time right now." She manages, and you blink.

Just what the hell was this woman playing at? Family time? Is that what she calls this?

"Whatever." You mumble, before putting your phone away and eating in silence. Ashton was nervous, playing with the delicious, high grade meat in front of her. She never understood the family feuds that went on when she was around, but then again, you are older than her and was around for longer. The family dinner was absolutely silent, not a single person talking. Your mother and father didn't even talk, simply glancing down at their watches from time to time for whatever reason that was.

The sound of the phone ringing brought everyone out of their thoughts, and they immediately rushed to it. Your father was the one to answer it, nervously answering it. As he listened in, he signaled a nod to your mother who sighed out weakly and glanced back at the table. You grimace, and you waste no time standing up from your table and leaving to head back upstairs. Your sister calls your name in worry, but you're way too angry to care.

It was just way too good to be true either way.

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