Chapter Four

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You don't know why or how you found yourself looking back at the files once again. The monster on your screen terrified the living shit out of you honestly, but you knew this...thing had to be the reason why Will Byers was still missing to this day. You don't even know what time it is, maybe ten or even nine minutes before ten-you don't care really. You were mostly pondering what your next course of action was going to be.

"Shit shit shit." You run a hand through your hair, and find yourself getting up to grab a spare book bag you could find. You couldn't just sit around anymore. You had to do something, anything, and it didn't matter whether or not you'd be seen as a dumbass for going off in the middle of the night when you clearly have a younger sibling to watch after. You felt horrible knowing that you of all people have actual clues that could lead to the truth behind Will's disappearance, yet you decide to sit and play the role of a stupid unknowing teenager who has parental issues.

Okay, maybe the last part isn't just a role and is the truth, but that's besides the point.

"Okay. Weapon?" You pick up what seem to be a random tool, a crowbar, that was lying around in the corner. Wouldn't do much damage to an actual living creature, but hey! You could at least try! "Check. Flashlight and change of clothes?" You quickly stash the crowbar into the bag and push the door open so you could get down. Rushing down the steps, you head straight into your room as fast as you could and toss the bag onto your bed. Searching through your drawers, you take out literally anything to put on and toss them aside.

You change and nod. "Change of clothes, check. But flashlight..." You trail off and think where you'd find a flashlight, and immediately remember the spare that was left inside of the drawer in the kitchen. Perking up, you grab the bag off the bed and head down the hallway as silent as you can and maneuver your way through the dark. You hiss as you nearly hit your side on the table and shake your head as you pull open the wooden drawer. You feel around it before your breath hitches when you felt the end of the stick.


"Just what are you doing..?"

You yelp, and quickly turn around to see none other than Ashton rubbing her eyes, blinking as she turned the light on. You grimace at the sudden brightness. "Dude, what the shit!" You complain and she shakes her head at you in return. "You didn't answer, you know? And..." She pauses as she takes in the fact that you're dressed. Her face contorts.

"Where are you going? It's, like, ten at night."

"Oh is it now? I totally didn't know, thanks for telling me, genius."

You watch as she shoots you a glare in response, but decide to simply ignore her. Turning back, you glance down at the flashlight in your palm and mumble a short check before turning back and walking around her to head back to your room. She immediately follows, eyebrows furrowing. "Hey! Tell me what's going on!" You bite the urge to respond and simply place everything in the bag before snapping your fingers.

"Hey, can you get me some of those snacks out of the cabinet?" You turn your head to her, and watch as her expression shifts into one of incredulous. Ashton dramatically throws her hands into the air. "First you ignore me and now you want me to fetch you a couple of snacks?!" You find yourself unable to hold back a chuckle, but roll your eyes nonetheless and zip the book bag up. Despite how hard you wanted to appear mad at her still from earlier, she always knew how to make you not want to dislike her.

"Whatever, I don't need them that bad." You swing the bag around and let it hang off of your shoulder. Stepping by her again, you grab the keys off of your bed side table and head down the hallway towards the front door. She gasps and quickly runs to catch up to you. "You can't leave right now! Mom and dad-" You cut her off as you swivel around and send her a stern look. She freezes at the sudden look, and she gulps as your eyes narrow. You hold up a solid finger. "You better not tell mom or dad about this." She goes to argue, but you shoot her voice down quickly.

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