Chapter Three

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"Oh, would you look it, it's the nerd again."

Literally what the hell was this guy's issue?! How did you even manage to bump into him here of all places, too?? You glower at the sniveling teen who leans his back onto the shelves before you on your left. His hair was as perfect as always, donned in a simple style of clothing for choice. Your styles were pretty similar, you realized, but that wasn't the point here! The point was that this grinning, annoying bastard was always somehow in your way despite you trying your best to avoid him.

Was he stalking you or some shit??

"Cat got your tongue?" You watched as he shakes his head, lips lopsided as he picks up one of the bags of gummies that sit idle on the middle row. He eyes it before lifting it towards you, as a sign of offering. "Want one?" You can only glare, before huffing as you shove your hands into your pockets.

"What the hell are you doing here, Harrington?"

"Oh, I dunno, shopping maybe?"

"Bite me."

He finds himself chuckling for whatever reason at your annoyed expression. For a simple, lonely weirdo, you could be quite fun to piss off. Having Tommy and Carole here would only ruin the fun honestly, knowing how far they take shit. "So," He shrugs as he follows behind you. You shudder, sending him one last look before continuing down the isle. You gaze around for your sister's asked for snack as he speaks. "What's the weirdo tech girl of Hawkins High been up to?" He was obviously just trying to make small talk with you, and for some reason, you find yourself wondering why.

So, you pick up the bag of chips and glance at him briefly. "None of your business. Say, don't you have, like, a girlfriend you could be annoying right now? You don't exactly have to follow me of all people around." You end up at the end of the isle and glance both ways before turning right when seeing more snacks at the other end. Steve scoffs as he quickly speeds up his pace so that his walking is on par with your own. "That's none of your business, either." You scowl, and he sends you a look. Rolling your eyes, you go back to scanning the shelves before you pause when your phone starts ringing.

Steve raises an eyebrow as you pull your phone out and shoo him away. When you wave him off further, he raises his hands in a signal of defeat and does so. You sigh and answer. "It's (Y/n)." You mumble, and your mother immediately begins to speak. "(Y/n)! Is Ashton with you?" Her rapid voice catches you off guard, and you blink in confusion. "Is she with me? No, why would she be with me? Shouldn't she be at home?" You find your eyebrows furrowing as she goes on about how she wasn't no where near the house.

where the hell could she have gone then..?

"Well, isn't she friends with that Wheeler kid? Try calling Karen."

"I swear to god, (Y/n), if I cannot find her-!"

"Swear to god what, mom? I've been watching her this whole damn time! Plus she's probably just over the Wheeler's house, hanging out with them!"

You ignore the way Steve glances at you, trying his best not to appear sneaky, and huff as you run a hand through your hair. This girl was definitely going to be the death of you, and you knew she was. "I'll stop by the Wheeler's if it makes you feel better, alright? Now leave me the hell. Alone." You growl lowly before abruptly hanging up. Gripping your fists tightly, you feel your cheeks burn with how annoyed you felt. That woman had some nerve! She barely even watches the girl, and that's her daughter! Then she threatens you like you've done something wrong???

You slowly roll your eyes before locking gazes with Steve, who froze when realizing you had caught him watching you. He slowly glances down at whatever candy he had in his hand before looking back at you and laughing awkwardly as he lifts it. "Ah, would you look at that," He coughs and you send him a confused expression as he shows you the candy.

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