Chapter Five

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"You knew about all of this, yet you told nobody?!"

"How the fuck are you supposed to tell people about this shit, huh, Byers? Please explain to me who the hell in their right minds would believe me if I were to say, "Oh, guys! I know who took Will! Some sort of monster shit took him, and we just have to find that!""

You ran a hand through your hair as you paced around Nancy Wheeler's room. Jonathan was comforting the said traumatized girl who was sitting on her own bed, eyes downcast and sullen from her experiences that went on that night. You couldn't lie, you felt bad for the poor girl. She probably didn't think something like this would be real, either, but here you all are. Hunting down some sort of horror movie type of monster that's actually real.

"She's right, Jonathan." Nancy weakly spoke, and he glances down before sighing out. "I know that, but...still. You said you have these- these files about it on your computer, right? Does it happen to say anything about what kills it or what not?" At this question, you let your mind flash back to it. The thing was named some sort of serial numbers that you could barely even remember, but there was one thing you could remember about it. You suddenly begin to snap your fingers, making them both follow your figure.

You pause in your frantic pacing as you turn back to them both and point. "Blood." Both Jonathan and Nancy give you incredulous looks, glancing between each other before turning back to you, who had begun to splutter. "I- In the file, I remember something about blood being in it. I-" You stop talking when your eyes flash to the clock on her bedside table. It was beyond late, and the thought of your sister being alone with that- that thing out there made your chest shift uncomfortably.

"Alright- alright, I- I have to go home."

Both Nancy and Jonathan go to stop you, but they stop when you shoot them looks. "Oh, right, your sister..." Nancy trails off, and you immediately nod. Quickly opening her window, you shoot them both goodbyes before straight up jumping out of it. You made your way to your car as quick as you could, and prayed to the gods above that she was alright. As you turned on the car and radio, you sit still for a moment before closing your eyes and shakily exhaling.

Your life must be some sort of joke to God, and you hope he was at least having fun tormenting the shit out of you and everyone else involved.

"Okay, what the hell are we doing here??"

You scowl, watching as Jonathan and Nancy scan the isles before them. Why were you lot at some sort of hunting shop? You don't even have a damn clue. The thing you guys had seen, or well you had saw in pictures and Nancy was almost killed by, was a monster, not a fucking animal. Nancy shifts to turn to you as Jonathan continues on to search for supplies. "We need to find a way to catch it whenever it shows up again." She explains, and your eyes widen as you dramatically throw your hands into the air.

"So you want to hunt the damn thing down like its some sort of animal? There's no way this'll work!"

"What else is there to do, huh?" Jonathan speaks up from where he stands, holding some sort of red canister. You both turn to him as he faces you. "This thing is the key to finding my brother, and we have no other choice!" You bite your lips at his words. He was right, this monster was the key to finding Will, but was this seriously gonna work? Nancy notices your off-put expression, and glances away before sighing and shaking her head. "This'll work, (Y/n)." She then turns to you and sends you a reassuring look.

"As long as you have those files and know it's weaknesses, this'll work and we'll save Will."

You glance at Jonathan to see his slightly enamored look whilst staring at the girl beside you. You nearly cringe at it, but find your cheeks flushing as you scowl. "Alright, alright. Just- just stop staring at me like that already and...and buy the damn things." Nancy finds herself slightly smiling at how embarrassed you looked, and nodded towards Jonathan to grab the things they needed so they could buy it.

Whilst they bought the supplies, you found yourself pouting with a uncomfortable feeling coursing through your chest. You weren't used to people being so...nice to you, or even gentle, so this shit was definitely new and weird. You were always looked at like you were different, so think you're actually needed for something so important made you feel giddy in some sort of tangible way. As you walk down the street, you hear a couple of people snicker. Your feeling falls, thinking they were laughing at you, but to your shock, you were face to face with the exact thing they were actually laughing at as you made your way to them.

All new movies, starring Nancy THE SLUT Wheeler.

That's what they were laughing at. You pale at the sight, but before you could step away, you hear the sound of something being sprayed coming from the alleyway next to it. Gritting your teeth, you make your way around the corner. Heading down the pathway, you aren't even shocked to see that it was Tommy, Carole and Steve and some other girl standing there, and the one with the can this time was the other girl. Stomping your way to them, their attention turns to you.

Steve scowls, thinking it was the woman of the hour, only to be surprised to see that it was you. "Lookie, lookie, it's the weirdo." Tommy snickers as Carole and the other girl turns to face you. "What the fuck are you idiots doing?! You think this shit is funny?!" You snap, and they all ooh'd as Steve frowns down at you. "Oh, so now you have a backbone, huh, weirdo? You know, im surprised you can even raise your voice with how much of a wuss you always sound like." Steve bites back, and Carole speaks up after him.

"Little bitch thinks she's the shit because she made friends with the other freak, right? How embarrassing."

"I'll show your ass embarrassing!"

You go to push past Steve, only to have him push you back. "Alright, alright, stop it. You're not the one we even have problems with." He shuts you down instantly, only to stumble back when your fist makes contact with his cheek. Tommy shouts with a laugh as Carole glares, and you make sure to push him off of you. "Don't you fucking touch me, you bastard! You're such an asshole, I can't believe I even begun to even...!" You bristle with anger, and Steve holds onto his cheek as he glares down at you.

"Oh yeah? Begun to what, huh? Go on and finish your damn sentence-"

"Begun to actually think that maybe, just maybe, an asshole like you was actually alright!"

Steve's expression shifts, and his surprised face shows just how taken aback he is by your statement. Despite not even knowing each other that well and only bumping into each other just a few times, you had actually thought that maybe Steve Harrington was actual cool guy who only puts up a front for those he call his so called friends, but here he was, proving you wrong. Sure, you didn't think of him as a friend or anything, but you sure as hell wouldn't trust him anymore after this.

The sound of pounding footsteps behind you make you and the rest turn. Rushing down the gravel towards you and the group of idiots was none other than Nancy Wheeler herself, face twisted into disgust and hurt as she made her way past you. You don't even have the time to stick around, simply scoffing as you turn around and leave.

This was exactly why you don't do friendships or relationships to begin with.

sorry if steve is like, ooc or if this is poorly written im like high off stranger things rn and want to get past this point already PLS.

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