Start from the beginning

There was a clear divide between the two Academies with Diego, Lila, Five and Dolores on one side of the table. Allison sat separately from them but on their side of the room. Luther was the exception: he stood with the Sparrows.

"Welcome," Fei greeted them as she entered the room. "Please make yourselves at home." A raven followed behind her and cawed to announce her presence.

Allison didn't take kindly to her words. "Bitch, this is our home."

"Excuse me?"

In an effort to prevent an argument from breaking out, Luther reached forward and picked up a bowl. "Jellybean?"

Almost in unison, both Doloreses reached for the candy. "Yes, thanks." They gave each other suspicious looks and carefully avoided having their hands touch as they took some Jellybeans from the bowl.

"Where the hell are Viktor and Klaus?" Diego asked.

"With our luck, probably Kugelblitzed by now."

"You're a dark little dude sometimes."

Fei leaned towards him with interest. "Ooh, what happened to your hand?"

Ben clapped his hands together to get their attention. "We don't have time for idle chitchat. Everyone, sit down."

"A please would be nice," Diego grumbled, but they all did as he said.

Luther hesitated between the two Academies until he decided to stand. He cleared his throat nervously. "So, uh. . . this is kinda nice, right? All of us here together. One big happy family." He leaned towards Sloane. "I feel like I'm sweaty. Am I sweaty?"

"No, you're fine," she whispered back.

The second Sparrow took over for him: "look, I know there's been bad blood between us. Whatever. Bygones, right?" Diego raised his hand. "Question?"

"Yeah. If I kill you, do we get our Ben back?" Fei snickered with amusement at his suggestion. "Hypothetically. . ."

"Keep talking and your hand won't be the only thing bleeding."

Five didn't give his brother a chance to argue further. "Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I'd like to get back to a plan."

Viktor finally made his appearance then. Without hesitation, he demanded: "where is he?"

"Viktor," Allison said slowly.

The short man turned to look at the Hargreeves that surrounded him. "What did you do to Harlan?"

"They didn't do anything. I did. I killed Harlan," she announced calmly.

"What—?" It took a moment for him to process the news. "I. . . I don't. . . I don't understand. Why?"

"Because he didn't deserve to live."

Ben came over to sit on the couch with a container of cheese puffs while the Sparrow's Dolores followed to stand behind him. She leaned against the back of the sofa as she watched the brewing argument with interest. The Umbrella's Dolores had chosen to stand on Five's side of the couch as she felt rather out of place amongst the superpowered siblings. Taking a seat as Ben had requested felt like she was putting herself on the same playing field when she clearly wasn't.

Viktor stared at his sister with betrayal clearly on his face. "What? Because they said so? You don't have to listen to them! They don't get to tell us what to do."

The second Sparrow leaned towards Five. "Twenty bucks on the little one."

"I'll take that action," the boy agreed.

𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ━ five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now