Hanging From a Tree

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The heavy brunches and leaves of the forest only left little shinny rays of the sun peak among them. The happy songs of the birds rang through my ears, filling me with happiness. Sharp little stones pinched my bare feet from the brown soil as I walked among the trees, but I had grown used to them since I walked this forest with my fare feet since I can remember. The brown yellow and orange colours of the spring made a breathtaking scenery before my eyes and I stood still for a moment admiring it before the summer kicks in and take it all away.

I looked around in the routes of the trees for mushrooms and the herbs I was looking for. I spotted the green little plant on a tree a couple of feet away from me and rushed to collect it and place it on my basket with the all the other ones I managed to find. I looked down at my basked and signed in satisfaction. I had enough to make the cream I needed for the pain I have on my left hipbone. I slipped and fell on it the other day when I was in the lake bathing. The sharp stones on the shore bruished my skin but thankfully not enough for the skin to break. This herb has numbing qualifications and makes the bone feel less painful while I walk.

It's not acceptable for women to do these kind of things. They would call me a witch and throw me in a fire to burn until my skin painfully melts to nothing. My little cabin hides away from the near village, in the depths of the forest, so no one can easily find me. Sometimes I would have a couple of passing by travelers demanding the comfort of my cabin, some food and water and do wicked things on my body. Of course I give them whatever they want. I am a woman all alone in the forest and I don't want to give them any reason to rape me by force or start looking around my cabin so that they discover the evidence of my supposed witching. So I just give myself willingly until they are fulfilled and go on their traveling.

To be honest I don't know what a witch does. They say that they are evil and practice dark magic against men. Is what I do dark magic? I wouldn't know. My herbs and medicine are just and only for the benefit of others. Except for the poisons I can make, that can easily drive a man to madness or choke on their own blood while their insides melts down to pulp. That I can call evil. But I have never tried such things. My grandmother taught everything I know and continued to pass her wisdom to me until the day she successfully died by age and not the hands of men who thought she was a witch. I hope I have the same fate as her.

I finally reached my cabin before dark and I walked to it with eager to make the cream and relief my self from the annoying pain. I froze on my steps as I noticed a horse outside my cabin. Someone must be inside and searching my belongings. I quicky grabbed the small dagger I have on my basket and hold tight to it on my hand. I pushed the door open only to reveal a man sitting on my small wooden table and eating all my bread. I hold the knife out infront of me in a threaten way only to earn a laugh from the man.

"Hold the knife down woman. I am no threat to you. I am just looking for a bed to spend my night and-"

"And food, water and my comfort let me guess. I have heard this speech before a lot stranger." I cut him off and walked to the small fireplace on the right side of the cabin and placed down my basket annoyed.

It's been a couple of weeks that I had an intruder in my home and I really wished that it would stay that way. My cabin may be inside the forest but this area is pretty common for people to walk by when they want to cross the forest. There is a lake near here with clear water to drink and the village is just a few hours away. It's the only path you can take to avoid be near the foot of the mountain where it's said that monsters live there in the dark caves it has. I personally don't believe it since I live here for a long time and never saw a thing.

The man groaned in annoyance as well, because of my lack of respect. "Yes, but if you dare to refuse me, you shall find great punishment." He threaten while taking an angry bite from my only loaf of bread. I looked at it with watering mouth. I was really looking forward eating that bread. I looked up at him and chose to stay quiet.

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