naughty munson - fluff

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it was a normal saturday at the family video. robin and steve were mucking about as per usual even though it was their "busiest" day.

"ok, last one. i gotta go set up the new display." robin said rubbing her hands together.

"you ready?" steve said with a big grin. he grabbed another chocolate chip out of the packet and threw it towards robin. robin held her mouth open as she moved around, bumping into racks and almost tripping over. but her struggles were worth it as the chip landed right in her mouth.

steve and robin both let out cheers, their arms flying into the air. robin ran over and gave steve a hard high five. the two laughed at the strength of the contact.

"we're a pretty good team harrington." robin said as she grabbed the bag from steve tipping some into her mouth.

"we're the best team around." steve said. he walked around to be behind the counter again.

"right. i have to go set up this new display for halloween." robin said as she picked up a box that sat in front of the counter. "if you'd like to help, your assistance would be greatly appreciated." robin joked as she walked away from steve.

"yeah. i'll totally take you up on that." steve called after her.

as she walked away steve grabbed a stool from the back room and brought it out behind the counter. he sat down on the cushioned seat and started to file through his tapes.

as he looked at the cassettes in front of him, he heard the door open. he internally groaned as he got off his chair and put his things to the side. but when he saw who had walked through the door, a small smirk appeared on his face.

"munson. fancy seeing you here." steve chuckled as he slowly walked to the very front of the register.

"steve." eddie said quickly. eddie's lips were tight and he rocked back and forth on his heels with his hands clasped behind his back. he looked rather nervous.

steve leaned against the counter, his hands flat on the surface. he looked at the other with a flirtatious smirk, looking through his eyelashes.

"i didn't think you made time for me on weekends." steve said teasingly.

"i know. my band cancelled last minute so i thought i'd come say hi." eddie said sheepishly.

"oh- so i'm just for when your plans are cancelled? i see how it is." steve spoke, his tongue poked through the side of his cheek. his eyebrows were risen in emphasis.

"of course not. i was gonna come here after anyways, i just get to come earlier." eddie tried to explain, not realising what steve was doing.

steve had started to move from behind the counter slowly making his way so he was right beside eddie.

steve put his finger under eddie's chin. although eddie was taller than steve, eddie felt rather small compared to his lover.

"you know i'm more than that. don't you sweetheart?" steve swiped his thumb across eddie's lips. eddie shivered as steve stared into his eyes.

"of course you are honey." eddie's voice was shaken, his words wobbly.

steve moved his hand so his fingers were cupping the side of eddie's neck, his thumb placed across his jawline.

"are you sure? because i don't think you do." steve's voice was hushed and quiet, almost a whisper. he applied pressure around eddie's neck and started to rub his thumb against his jaw.

eddie looked down at steve, his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly. he tried to speak but the words came out stuttered.

steve looked up at eddie with the deepest siren eyes eddie had seen. it took him so much effort to not slam steve against a wall right there and then.

"you're very naughty munson." steve's voice was hoarse. eddie could hardly keep it together. but what steve did next sent eddie over the edge.

he kissed eddie's neck. his lips were slow and he kept pressure with his hand on the other side. he pulled away from eddie, a smile on his lips.

steve looked down for a second before he looked back up at eddie giving him the same look as before.

"very naughty indeed. we're in public you know?" steve spoke into eddie's ear.

eddie gulped lightly. he couldn't take it anymore. he wrapped his arms around steve's waist and pushed his back, joining their lips together. steve kissed him back, their kisses were aggressive and quick. they kept moving back until they'd reached the wall. steve pulled away, he moved eddie's hair out of his face before he spoke.

"eddie, we're in public." steve's breath was breathy, his once dominant persona coming down as he spoke.

"i know, i just couldn't resist." eddie said, his breath also panted.

"you gotta learn to control yourself sweetheart." steve ran his fingers through eddie's hair. eddie's hands were still firm on steve's waist.

"control myself? how the fuck do you expect me to control myself when you pull shit like that?" eddie chuckled lowly, steve doing the same.

"can you two please keep your tongues out of each other's mouths?"

the two boys split apart quickly at the sudden voice. thank goodness it was just robin but it was still quite embarrassing.

"jesus robin. a little privacy please?" steve said.

"privacy? i hate to break it to you but your in public. you want privacy then go home." robin said as she looked through another box which sat on the counter top.

"go home?" steve said with a raised eyebrow. robin paused what she was doing and looked at him, instant regret on her face.

"no, no! you're staying here till end of shift." she placed her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"please robin." steve pleaded.

"i'm not letting you off 3 hours early just so you can go suck your boyfriends face." she said.

"woah, we have some class." eddie cuts in. robin just rolled her eyes at the remark.

"i'll make it up to you, please robin?" steve continued to plead.

robin stood for a moment, thinking. she sighed before she spoke.

"i can't believe i'm about it to do this. fine go on, i'll cover for you."

"thank you thank you thank you!" steve jumped in the air. he quickly ran behind the counter to grab his things, on his way he gave robin a hug and a PLATONIC kiss of the cheek. she shewed him away with a swat of her hand.

"don't get too ahead of yourselves." robin chuckled as the two boys ran out of the store hand in hand.

hope we liked it- a little bit different but i enjoyed it, hope you did too.

people i need ideas. gimme some stuff, i'm running out of ideas.
please give me shit to write.

thanks again for the support. we're almost at 20k! that's crazy. thank you so much <33

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