tattoos pt 1

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"steve!" dustin called out to the older boy. steve turned around at the sound of his name being called. "you coming over to mikes tonight?"

"there's something going on at mikes?" steve asking confused.

"yeah, just a little get together. a bunch of our friends will be there." dustin says walking along side harrington.

"oh yeah, i guess i'll be there." he says.

"oh and by the way, the guys from out DnD club are coming too."

"wha-" but before steve could protest dustin had already run along to inform the rest of the group.

"shit." steve said under his breath.

it's not that steve didn't like the guys from the DnD club, they were all fairly nice. but there was one person in particular that steve didn't really want to see. he didn't have any beef with this person. he just made steve really really nervous.

over the past month, steve harrington had been trying his hardest to avoid the curly haired "freak" as much as he could. why you ask?

when they first met, steve didn't what had happened to him. everything eddie would say would put him in a trance of utter awe. he felt weak and nervous around him. he couldn't speak properly and would mix up his words. ever since the incident he's constantly questioning his sexuality. he didn't like discussing it and had only told robin about his secret gay panic with eddie. because who else would he tell? dustin? hell no.

steve made his way home and knew he had to face eddie one way or another so he decided he was gonna atleast try and look his best.

he pulled out a nice pair of black jeans, a red t-shirt that had a cool metallica design on it with a cool denim jacket. he pulled on a pair of white high-top converse and finished styling his hair.

he grabbed his car keys and started driving to mikes.

as he walked through the door, there was already a decent amount of people there. the people he knew were el, dustin, nancy, jonathan, mike and of course, eddie. the rest were random people from different grades. he didn't even know why they were there but didn't think anything of it.

all his friends were talking in a big group in the kitchen. he sheepishly walked over to the group. as he came into view of the group, a head popped up to see who entered the room. he made eye contact with the pair of eyes that looked his way. his stomach dropped as the curly haired brunette held the tense eye contact. he felt his face flush as he stopped walking out of utter fear and shock.

eddie gave him a small smile and raised a hand to wave at him.

he awkwardly smiled back and gave a little wave in return. he could've sworn that eddie's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. but before he could give it another thought, he felt a light tug on his arm.

he looked down and saw dustin greeting him hello, making him break eye contact with eddie. he smiled brightly down at him, as they started to do their signature hand shake.

he walked over to join the circle saying hi to everyone else.

every so often he would look over at eddie and admire his features at a distant. sometimes he'd get caught when eddie would look up at him. and sometimes he'd catch munson looking at him.

after about half an hour, everyone split off into separate areas of the house to hang and chill out. steve was sitting and talking with dustin and will, having a great time.

"hey, i'm gonna go grab a drink of water. i'll be right back." steve said as he stood up to head into the kitchen. he grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it up with water.

a couple seconds later, he saw a figure enter the room. he looked up to see who it was when he saw that eddie was reaching for the cabinet.

he made eye contact with him, shooting his head back down to focus on filling up his cup.

"hey harrington." eddie said.

"hey eddie." he quickly replied. once he had finished filling up his cup he moved out of the way so eddie could fill his. he leaned against the bench and took a couple sips.

"how have u been?" eddie asked.

"i've been pretty good. how about you?" steve replied.

"yeah, i'm doing pretty good." they stood in silence for a moment. steve looked over at eddie and watched him quietly. he looked down at his arms and admired the tattoos that covered them. the little bats that seemed the fly up his arm.

"hey, that's a cool tattoo." steve pointed out, pointing to the birds on eddie's arm.

"oh yeah, thanks." he smiles.

"you have anymore tattoos?" steve asks.

"yeah a couple. want me to show you?" eddie asks, making eye contact with steve.

"yeah, i'd like to see them."

"follow me."

steddie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now