coming out - fluff

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eddie and steve walked up to the front door anxiously. steve picked at the side of his finger nails nervously.

"steve." eddie turned to look at steve, he put his hands on steve's shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. "we don't have to do this. we can do it another time?"

"no, it's ok. i'll be alright." steve smiled reassuringly. eddie sighed but nodded in confirmation. they were doing this.

eddie timidly knocked on the door.

the door opened and mike stood in the doorway. he smiled at the two boys before stepping aside and letting them in.

everyone was spread out across the living space. music played in the background, filling any awkward silences that may have been.

everybody was there. perfect. mike, el, dustin, wil, lucas, max, erica, robin, nancy, jonathan, joyce, hopper, maurie and argyle.

steve's heart rate spiked at the sight of everybody. eddie grabbed his hand in attempt to calm him down but that made him even more anxious. he shook eddie's hand off slightly before he b-lined for robin. eddie sighed before walking over to dustin and the others.

an hour later

eddie had been trying to get steve's attention for 20 minutes now. but no matter what he would do, he'd ignore him or walk in the other direction. it was evident steve didn't wanna do it. it was extremely obvious. but eddie knew that there was no other time where they would get everybody in the same room for a long time so it had to be today.

eddie noticed steve heading for the bathroom so he quietly excused himself and followed him down the hall. he knocked on the door but was greeted with a silent response.

"steve. it's eddie." still no response. "look i know you're scared but i'll be there with you ok? we know that everyone will be so supportive and we know we have nothing to be worried about. but i know it's scary. please just talk to me."

still there was no response from behind the door. eddie sighed as he started to walk away. that was until he heard the door unlock. he turned back and knocked again. this time, the door opened slightly and steve poked his head out slightly.

"can i come in?" eddie asked gently. steve nodded his head silently before he opened the door fully letting eddie in. eddie walked in and stood in front of steve. he immediately wrapped him in his arms and embraced steve warmly. steve returned the hug, gripping eddie's jacket for dear life.

"it's gonna be ok alright? i'm gonna be right beside you the whole time. we know they're gonna be chill about it ok?" eddie pulled away. he held his hand on the back on steves head. steve looked up at eddie with glossy eyes. he smiled sadly at eddie before nodding in agreement. eddie kissed him on the forehead before hugging him quickly again.

"you ready?" eddie made sure steve was ready for this. steve paused for a moment before he spoke.

"i'll be ok." steve said quietly. eddie smiled widely down at steve before opening the door.

the music became clearer again and they walked back down the hallway together. they made their way to where the stereo was and turned the music down. everyone looked over.

"hey everyone." eddie said nervously.

"hey eddie!" dustin waved at his best friend. eddie smiled at dustin before focusing back at what he was saying.

"first of all i wanna thank the byers for holding this amazing party. life's been pretty shit and this is exactly what we all needed so thank you." eddie said mainly towards joyce. everyone agreed as they clapped.

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