chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"that's great and all, but there's this stupid soulmate equation to add." i used to never care about the soulmate bond until now. until i caught actual feelings for someone.

what would happen if i did make a move and then bokuto finds his soulmate? or what if i find my soulmate? that would be a mess.

"i'll buy you any snacks you want if you confess to him by the end of this week." maria offered and i paused in my organizing.

"bet." it can't be that hard.


i have been avoiding bokuto like the plague.

every time i see him, i am running in the opposite direction. i'm dragging kinoshita and maria with me everywhere so i don't run into him alone.

i didn't expect to get so anxious. i just have to walk up to him and say three words. "i like you." simple, right apparently not.

and it doesn't help that something's gotten into my soulmate and made them sad for the longest time. walking around with a chill running down my back isn't pleasant.

the day was over and i was walking to gym three, not really paying attention to anything. my thoughts were distracting enough.

"where are you going?" kuroo's voice appeared from behind me. i turned around and saw him leaning against the doorway with bokuto behind him, already looking at me.

"wasn't paying attention." i responded and walked back and through the double doors. bokuto followed behind me and i saw that akaashi, kei, and maria were already there.

bokuto was still behind me, but he didn't speak up. he didn't even need to talk to get my attention. i looked behind me for a second and i'm not sure what i expected other than bokuto still looking at me.

"hey." he nodded at me when i made eye contact.

"hi." i gave him a smile that he returned with a bright smile of his own. i don't think i'll ever get used to his smiles.

"kuroo, can i play music?" maria asked and pulled out her phone. he walked over to her and looked over her shoulder.

"depends on the music." they began discussing music choices and i could hear them bickering over the songs.

"did i do something?" bokuto suddenly asked.

"no." i spun around to face him. he was looking at me, his expression more dreary than his usual happiness. "why would you think that?"

"it's just that you've been avoiding me all day and i didn't know if i did anything to upset you or something." a wave of guilt hit me.

"i'm sorry. i was just busy today." i explained quickly. "i didn't think you would realize i wasn't around you today."

"i've gotten quite used to your company it's easy to notice you're not there." he admitted with ease.

"really?" i nearly melted at his words.

"uh huh." he stretched his arms over his head and dropped one over my shoulders like usual. that was his move. one move that i liked far too much for my own good.

"so, will i see you tomorrow?" he interrupted before i could answer. "not see, i look at you all the time. will i talk to you tomorrow?"

my mind was still stuck on the "i look at you all the time" part to answer his question right away. "oh, yes, yes you will. i'll be around."

perfect now - k. bokutoWhere stories live. Discover now