56 || Party Crashers

Start from the beginning

And this man was no different.

The only difference here was that he wasn't the one being subjected to their torture.

He was the one on the other side of the door, being forced to listen to a grown man steal the innocence of his own daughter. Over and over again.

It was all so similar. Too familiar.

He couldn't breathe, think nor could he describe the feeling that washes over him as his heart beat erratically and his hands shook.

All he could was do what he did best. What he'd been trained to do, conditioned to perfect.

He'd killed the man.

With nothing but a pair of her pink scissors and a fire burning in his chest, he'd taken the blade to every part of him. He'd defiled him, dragged out his death, made him suffer just like he did.

He didn't care about the annoying little girl watching, or the screams of the man that'd been nothing but good to him. He was too far gone to care, riding on the high that came with what he was doing.

The adrenaline, the excitement, the satisfaction.

It was something that filled a void inside him, something that gave him a sense of purpose.

Something he was planning on doing again and again.


A bandaid.

A bandaid from Wes was all it took to patch up the minor graze that'd set Nico into a fit of rage where he was determined to kill my brother.

"Danny's an idiot." Wes sighs, shaking his head as he places the bandaid along the skin of my arm.

He wasn't wrong.

Daniel was reckless, but it wasn't enough reason for Nico to hurt him. "How do Daniel and Nico know each other in the first place?" I finally ask.

Wes diverts his eyes immediately, and I can sense a lie on the tip of his tongue. "And don't lie to me."

After a brief stare off, and a pleading look from myself, the blonde haired man sighs and gives in. "We didn't have much of a plan after we ran from The Colony. We found our way to New York just like you did, only we didn't have anyone or any place to go."

My face falls, Daniel had always told me they were fine, brushing over the details so that I wouldn't have to worry. "Where did you sleep?"

"Some nights there were shelters, other nights we were out on the streets." My heart squeezes at the thought of Daniel spending his nights with no where to go. He'd never told me any of this.

A small wave of understanding washes over me. I begged Daniel to take me with him whenever he'd visit me in the clearing. And he always said it was unsafe and I now understood why.

He couldn't take care of himself, let alone me. 

I clear my throat and let all the built up curiosity come forth. "How did you meet Nico?"

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