CHAPTER 17- Save the Cat

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Adora was talking to Catra's mom. She was worried sick, and Adora was the last person to see her so of course they'd come to her for information.

   "I just don't know what could've happened to her, she was here that night, I heard her come in," Angela said.

   "Did she change her mind and wanna go back out with you, or-?"

   "No ma'am, she never said a word to me even on text after the party. She must've either left somewhere else or, I hate to say it, she was taken from her own room." Adora didn't wanna mention that last for this exact reason. Angela's eyes started watering up at the thought, and it was honestly the more likely to happen. In all the years Angela had taken care of Catra, she'd never known her to have the tendency to sneak out or do anything like that. She hated to think it as much as she hated to hear it, but it was horribly more likely to happen.

   "It's alright Adora. I need information though before I call the police. Come sit down with me if you don't mind. I need to discuss this with you" Angela sounded devastated, but of course she was, her daughter was taken. 

   "Of course, Ms. Moon, lead the way," Adora said sympathetically. She felt for the woman, and she wanted to help. Angela lead her to a table in the kitchen that was seated away from everything so as not to take up much space and get in the way. It was a simple little table, but it was old and ornate. The chairs were some kind of cushioned canvas. Not the comfiest, but at least it was somewhere to sit down.

   "So tell me, Adora. Did Catra have any enemies or anyone that picked on her all the time?" Angela asked

   "Hm, no I don't think so. No one was inherently rude to her that I saw. She's really funny and nice and all my friends like her, I don't think anyone really even had an attitude with her as far as I saw." Adora mulled it over.

   "Well what about you? Do you have any enemies or anything?" Angela was trying to make sure no one they knew would do this.

   "Well if I'm being honest, yes I do. Not necessarily enemies, just someone who doesn't wanna let go of me and someone I punched because they disrespected me." Adora admitted.

   "So… enemies," Angela chuckled.

   "Yeah, I suppose so," Adora laughed a bit too. "But yeah, only those two. No one else really has a problem with me."

   "How did those two enemies come about anyways? What happened to make them do those things?" Angela pondered.

   "Well, um, there's this girl named Lonnie I go to school with. She's my ex, but for a good reason. She cheated on me and then got mad when I didn't want that in my life so I broke up with her. She was even madder because I didn't want to get back with her because apparently 'she would give me a second chance if she was me,' but I'm not her so I'm not gonna do that. So I got mad at her and then the person she cheated on me with got mad and defended her and started insulting me and stuff so I knocked her lights out. So yeah, that's how that happened." Adora just stared at the table, not looking at Angela who was just staring at Adora in a stunned silence.

   "Well I see then. Ahem, did any of these two not like Catra for some reason?" That's when it clicked. Lonnie. She didn't like Catra because she thought she stole Adora from her. Adora stood up and slammed the table, making Angela yelp in surprise. 

   "That's it!" Adora piped in discovery. She sat back down and looked Angela dead in the eyes. "Lonnie doesn't like her because she thinks Catra stole me from her, even though we're just friends and she's delusional." Adora waved the thought of the kiss out of her head and focused on the problem at hand.

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