CHAPTER 11- How Ramen Made my Night

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It was only 9:00 and Catra could already feel the alcohol. She was normally pretty good at handling and resisting her alcohol, seeing as how she kind of had a stash under her bed. But Adora bought the stroller shit and apparently she had a high budget because everyone got their own bottle. Glimmer was obviously shit-faced; her bottle had a few sips left, despite the fact she was too young to drink. She was joking about the stupidest things, and Catra could've sworn she said something about dildo fucking your phone every time you plug your headphones into the jack.

    Adora had a few of those tiki torch things around the pool, and Mermista was sticking her finger into the flame after wetting it with the pool water, wide-eyed that it wasn't burning her finger. She was only a few sips into her bottle, so she was just naturally that stupid she guessed.

    The big bug girl, Catra remembered her name was Scorpia, had crushed her bottle accidentally with her claws a long time ago, sadly, and was now just hanging out, being nice and listening to Glimmer's drunken ramblings.

    Perfuma, the flower girl, was rambling about how participating in these acts were vulgar and she'd much rather be meditating, yet was ironically steadily sipping her bottle and was halfway through.

    Entrapta was setting up the strobe lights, she had already got the sound system working and it was currently blasting Post Malone. She didn't really know what to do with her bottle so she just gave it back to Adora.

    Speaking of Adora, she still wasn't out yet. Catra decided to ask Mermista where she was.

    "Hey Mermista? Where is Adora? Have you seen her?"

    "Oh, um, she said she'd be out soon. I just went to check on her. Said she had a surprise or whatever" Mermista just dipped her finger back in the water and turned to her torch. Catra wondered how long it'd take for her to try her vodka instead of the water. Catra decided she was ready to climb into the water, and was about to climb in when the strobe lights turned on and Vegas by Doja Cat started playing.

    The door to the backyard slammed open and Adora stepped out, drunk as fuck.

    "What's up, bitches?! I said I had a surprise so here it is or whatever" she said as she stumbled back into her house. Catra snickered, she had obviously drunk Entrapta's bottle as well.

   Adora opened the door back up and rolled this huge fucking table out with a cloth on it with a bunch of mounds underneath. She ripped off the table cloth and it was those weird metal server dishes with the dome lids. They all had nametags in front of them.

   "Ok, I don't know if y'all remember, but I asked everyone what their favorite food was. Well what I did for you guys was a basically made a glowed-up version of everyone's favorite food, and don't worry Glimmer, I'm not just serving you fucking Mac'N'Cheese."

    Everyone laughed at that and flooded around the table, saying their "Thank you"s to Adora as they looked at their meals. Perfuma had some sort of soul food meal with mostly greens because she didn't eat meat. Entrapta just had a steak dinner but…. tiny? Scorpia got shrimp and prime rib with a piece of strawberry cheesecake and almost shit her pants in happiness and would literally not stop thanking Adora. Glimmer got a badass looking Mac'N'Cheese with shrimps in the cheese crust and some bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeños sense she likes those too. Mermista got some salmon and asparagus with lemon. Catra stepped up to her dome. She knew Adora couldn't have remembered what she said. I mean, sure it was basic but it was hard to remember exactly what she liked on it. Even restaurants got it wrong most of the time. She lifted it up, expecting disappointment, but was met with perfection. It was ramen just the way she liked it; pork broth, one boiled egg, no fish cakes, only a little bit of seaweed, three gyoza, and two pieces of pork folded on the top. She looked up at Adora in surprise, who had a well-earned smug look on her face. Catra was just stunned.

   "Thank you Adora. I can't believe you remembered"

   "Well let's just say you're worth remembering Kitten" Adora knew what she was doing at this point and just let herself enjoy the blush moving across Catra's face. Just then Boyfriend started playing. Adora chuckled under her breath at the song. She knew she was drunk as fuck but she honestly didn't care. Maybe she could let out what she'd been holding in without her courage being an issue.

     She wasn't expecting Catra's retaliation however.

   "Well, maybe you are too," Catra said, stepping closer to Adora, nose almost touching hers. Adora blushed and just looked at the cat girl

    Adora's breath smelled like alcohol, but for some reason Catra liked it. It made a nice mix with her cologne. She wished she could move closer to her, it was such a nice smell.

    Catra was dangerously close to Adora for the way she felt right now. She wanted to just seal the distance but she didn't wanna scare her away. Adora had liked her since she woke up with her tail wrapped around her thigh. She had wanted to make a move for a few days but just hadn't yet.

    Catra was tired of waiting. She could feel everyone staring at her and Adora was obviously too shy for it, so she grabbed Adora's waist and just kissed her.

    Adora's lips burned with the alcohol and the excess heat on them. Her brain was malfunctioning, she couldn't focus. Catra's lips were so soft, it kind of made her insecure about her chapped ones. She soon forgot about that though as she grabbed the back of Catra's head and brought it towards hers. She felt a warm hand on her neck as Catra wrapped her tail around Adora's leg and started purring. Adora didn't know if it was just her or not, but the strobe lights shining through her closed eyelids seemed extra intense. She just focused on the girl in front of her and put her hand on her waist and pulled her closer. 

    Eventually Catra pulled away for a breath and unwrapped herself from the blonde. She smiled up at her, tucking her hair behind her ear as she sent butterflies to Adora's stomach. Adora just stared wide-eyed at her as she blinked slowly at Adora as everyone cheered. 

   "I think I'm gonna eat now" Catra chuckled, but put her mouth next to Adora's ear and whispered, "we should do that again sometime" and just sauntered over to the table.

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