CHAPTER 14- Here We Go Again

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Adora woke up to find herself in an empty bed. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and looked around. There was daylight in the curtains, but it only looked about 7:30. She heard some shuffling around in the front area of her house, and some occasional metal clanking. She figured it was Catra. She got up, took a shower and walked in there to see what she was doing.

    Catra was so hungry, her stomach was trying to eat her back bone. Her stomach hurt so much she had to hunch over when she walked. Lonnie hadn't fed her anything for that whole day and a half she was locked in that basement, passed out. She decided to get up after she discovered Adora cuddling with her. She took a shower, but afterwards realized she didn't have any clothes with her. She hoped Adora wouldn't mind, but she grabbed a spaghetti strap and a pair of shorts out of Adora's dresser. She just went commando cause she was n o t about to wear her underwear. She sat down on Adora's man-eating couch and sat there until about 7. She hoped Adora wouldn't be too mad at her, but she decided to cook her some breakfast. And some for Adora too when she woke up. She just threw some bacon in and then fried some eggs in the bacon grease so she didn't have to waste the oil. Catra was popping bread in the toaster when Adora walked in there.

   "Hey, Adora. Want some breakfast?"

   "Hey Adora. Want some breakfast?" Oh my God. Catra wearing Adora's clothes was a sight for sore eyes. That spaghetti strap falling over her shoulder, those tiny shorts that showed her thighs off. She forgot the question for a second and just stared at the curly haired girl who had a piece of bread in her hand.

   "Um, uh, yeah sure." Adora stuttered and swallowed. Catra handed her a plate and flashed her that ultra bright sex appeal smile, and Adora thought she could faint. She tried to play it cool but it was so hard. She ate her breakfast, trying to just stare at her plate.

   "Thabk you Catra, ish reawy good" Adora said with her mouth stuffed full.

   "Thank you Adora," Catra chuckled at the blonde girl's eating habits. She always ate like she'd never eat again. Adora coughed a little bit and some egg went down the wrong tube, causing Adora to double over coughing.

   "Woah, be careful now. Didn't anyone tell you you're supposed to eat it, not inhale it?" Catra chided playfully. Adora just cleared her throat and laughed it off. Not two seconds later Catra choked on a piece of her egg.

   "Woah, be careful now. Didn't anyone tell you you're supposed to eat it, not inhale it?" Adora mocked Catra as she just glared at her. Catra eventually got it down and laughed at herself.

   "Guess that's what I get for being a jerk" she chuckled.

    Adora laughed and threw her plate in the trash.

   "Thanks Catra, you didn't have to do that for me"

   "Yeah, well if we only did what we had to in life, what would be worth living for?" Adora never knew Catra was in the least bit philosophical. Guess she just didn't take her for the type. 

   "Yeah I guess that's true" Adora pondered.

   "I just know I'm glad I don't have to go to school today" Adora said. Catra nodded her head in agreement and said, "Yeah, me too Adora. Last thing I wanna worry about is school"

   "Catra, I need to take you to your house. Your family is worried sick about you" Adora said worriedly. Catra hadn't thought about that. Despite it not being her fault, she felt terrible.

   "They know you're with me and they know what happened, they just wanna see you sfe, you know? It'll put their minds at ease. I'll take you home when you're ready, I won't rush you. I just wanted to let you know because I thought you should." Adora assured Catra it was OK and it wasn't her fault.

   "Thank you, Adora. Just give me a few minutes to sit down a little longer and then I'll get my stuff ready." Catra sat back down on the highly absorbent couch, and Adora sat down next to her.

   "Thanks for everything you've done for me Adora. I wouldn't have made it out of that basement if it weren't for you. You're a really good friend," Catra thanked Adora as she leaned against her muscled shoulder. Adora felt the blush rise to her face as she looked down at the girl slowly drifting off. 

'Here we go again, she thought.

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