CHAPTER 13- Air Sweet Air

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    I'm sorry, this chapter is short today. I got bad writer's block.

Catra awoke to nothingness. An overwhelming, pitch black void where the only thing she felt was the cold ground on her butt and her chafed wrists. There was no airflow, no light, no way of cooling the room. It was humid; Catra practically choked trying to breathe. Her clothes were uncomfortably drenched in her sweat, as it was overwhelmingly hot in the basement. Opening her eyes was futile for the moment, there was no point. Even the reflective lenses on her eyes couldn't find the slightest bit of light. No electronics, not a single crack in the foundation allowing sunlight to peek through, no hope of seeing the room.

    There was no noise, save a stray water drip in the corner of the room. Her ears were perked up, attent and alert, trying to pick up any noise they could, but there was no point. She wanted to cry, she was so frustrated. She turned her wrists around in the ropes that were wrapped around them, but she winced in pain from the raw stinging on her wrists from the constant abrasion. She started hyperventilating but there was nothing in the air to breathe. It was just water vapor, it was so humid. She started choking on the air, trying to inhale something that wasn't there. Eventually she calmed down and took slow, more controlled breaths.

    Suddenly, light flooded her eyes. Her pupils were filled with pain again as the door was ripped open and someone stood against the light, creating a silhouette.

   "Omg Catra are you ok?" That voice almost made Catra cry, it was sweet music to her ears. She felt familiar arms wrap around her body as she wept into her friend's shoulder.

   "Hey, Adora" Catra said, sobbing.

   "I missed you so much Catra, what happened?" Adora asked, very worried.

   "I'll explain it all later, just please get me out of here Adora." Catra pleaded. Catra saw Adora pull a knife out of her pocket and start sawing at her ropes. She finally got them off, and when she did she gasped at Catra's wrists. They were red and had layers of skin rubbed off the point that her skin looked polished. She felt herself being lifted up as Adora scooped her up into her arms and carried her up the basement staircase. She saw Lonnie laying on the kitchen floor, knocked out. Adora must've knocked the shit out of her. Adora opened the front door and walked out with Catra. 

    Catra took a deep breath. How nice it was to breathe fresh, non-humid air. She looked up at Adora's serious face and just smiled; she knew she was safe with her. Catra just rested her head on Adora's chest and fell asleep.

    She woke up in an actual bed. She had clean clothes on, felt clean, and there was some kind of ointment on her wrists. There was the tiniest bit of daylight in the windows, it looked to be about 6 A.M. She looked around the room and soon recognized where she was; Adora's room. She was so warm, it was almost like… she turned over and saw Adora wrapped around her in her sleep, practically spooning her. 

    Catra got so red as she just stared at the blonde girl, who was just absolutely entangled with Catra. She didn't snore, but there was just a slight little buzzing noise she made. Catra couldn't help the purring that happened soon after. Thank goodness it was Sunday; she did n o t want to go to school today. She was so tired. And hungry. God damn she was hungry. She wondered how she was clean, but then it occurred to her. Adora had to have given her a bath or something and she was so fatigued she slept through it. She was so embarrassed knowing that Adora saw her naked and actually had to wash her. She could tell she washed her hair for her too from the way it felt. She felt flustered but strangely loved. She'd never had anyone do anything so kind for her except for when she was adopted. She looked to the girl laying next to her and thought, 'Wow. She really knows how to steal a heart'.

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