Chapter Twenty One

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Rita watched, ready for Dumbledore to show. When she did, she was not disappointed. "I WAS GRINDELWALD'S LOVER!" he shouted with glee. Then his face grew into shock, he opened his mouth to deny it, but instead he yelled, "I WANT TO KILL THE PUREBLOOD LINES" followed by, "I USED THE DEATHLY HALLOWS SYMBOL ON PURPOSE," and then, "I KILLED MY SISTER," and "I'VE BEEN POISONING ALL THE STUDENTS WITH LONG LASTING POTIONS AND COMPULSIONS," everybody was shocked to say the least. The Aurors appeared, James leading them, and Dumbledore yells, "IF YOU DIDN'T BREAK FROM YOUR COMPULSIONS, I WAS GOING TO KILL YOU AND THAT MUDBLOOD AND USE YOUR SON AS MY NEW PUPPET."

Stunned silence. James clenched his jaw.

Dumbledore raised his wand to defend himself from the Aurors, he was trying to call Fawkes. "Looking for this?" James asked holding up Fawkes' chain. "FAWKES ISN'T MY FAMILIAR, I STOLE HIM FORM THE GRYFFINDOR LINE," Dumbledore revealed.

"Yes, I know. My family has been trying to find that Phoenix for quite some time," James said, his ring revealing the Gryffindor symbol. Dumbledore was going to blast the Killing Curse, but one "Expelliarmus!" from James, disarmed him. "Take him straight to Azkaban, he's admitting all his crimes, they just need verification. I will choose who guards him," James said, stunning the wizard while also thinking of certain dementors he wants watching over the Gandalf impersonator. He raised his free hand and the Elder Wand flew to him, "It's mine now," he said.

"But—" an Auror tried to interrupt.

"This wand belongs to my family, I am not related to that man," James argues and leaves them to take him to Azkaban. James apparated home as the pain hit, he had been warned he would feel some pain from the immortality hitting him, "I'm not calling you Master," the monotone voice of Death drawled. James looked up at the being and gave him a sarcastic thumbs up before Amor had found him as Sirius had been hit with the same pain. Somebody had sat with Dumbledore that night as he admitted more things. The minister had immediately been voted out of his position and soon Lucius had become the new Minister. Many people had gotten free tests at Gringotts (only if they were polite and respectful to the goblins that is) and found that they had been under the influence of compulsions and potions. Lucius had declared that he would help the community readjust with all the changes the detox of potions and compulsions caused. He paid the fee for the tests along with the help of Rabastan, James, and Sirius. He told the goblins to say that the four wizards were paying for the tests, unless they were being rude and the tests made no excuses for it, then the test taker can pay for it. It's not like they'll know until they leave the bank. James even got the Peverell symbol's bad reputation erased, now knowing Dumbledore was trying to ruin that line. James had come forward as Lord Peverell as all of Dumbledore's crimes were shown in the Daily Prophet.

Regulus was appointed as the Headmaster of Hogwarts. At the ceremony, James whispered to Amor and Sirius, "Did we ever clean up the office?" making the other two snort. Hopefully Regulus doesn't find a white stain anywhere.

A few months later, James and Sirius had been planning. They were going to propose to Amor. They had asked all of Amor's siblings, even the Mikaelson's, and then asked her father, got a bit scared when his devil form came out, and then asked Gabe for permission to marry Amor. All of them agreed, Gabe added in that he would agree if Sirius would stop threatening to burn his wings if he did something to Regulus.

Amor was pulled out behind the manner to see a cushions set up under a tree and lights surrounding the area. A screen had been set up in front of them. It was her favorite kind of date, she might be Lust, but she thinks an at home backyard movie night by themselves was just as romantic as being wine and dined. The three cuddled up and watched a few movies before some firework charms they had created were set off, one forming the words 'Will you marry us?' making Amor's jaw drop as a ring was placed in front of her by the two. "Yes!" she replies kissing the two before letting them put the ring on her. "Hey, Sirius?" James asked.

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