Chapter Six

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Amor POV

James and Sirius looked startled while Harry giggled at their faces. The brothers looked at the two in sympathy while Bela and I just smirked. I ran out the door, "Hi Daddy!" I said and sprung at the man in front of me. Dad had caught me, "Hello child of mine, where is the other one?" he asked and next thing we knew, a red blur came passed and now we were on the floor. We got up, "So I hear that you have your mates, and that felt I had a grandson now, I would like to meet said child," Dad said.

We entered the house and found James and Sirius still frozen in shock, before there pureblood teachings kicked in and they introduced themselves to my father. They were quite relieved to find that the Devil himself actually likes them. Harry took to him rather quickly, he didn't actually have any grandparents that were alive before, but finding having one now made him happy.

"So, what was the plan for slutty redhead?" Dad asked, making us look at him surprised.

"What, my daughter who would have two mates, found them, and one was married to a slutty redhead while being a love potion. I pay attention," Dad said while he held Harry in his lap.

After explaining the plan, he laughed, "Oh, that'll be great. Yeah and all your siblings refer to her as the slutty redhead and Dumblefuck's full name has been deemed Albitch Perve Wimpic Brick Dumblefuck," he added.

"Why Brick?" James asked after they all laughed.

"Well, we couldn't think of anything for 'Brian' and Dolan randomly said 'Brick' and it just stuck, he said it was close to 'Prick'. So that's his name," dad turned to me, "Why don't you get them to start practicing. I'm going to be watching this trial, it will be hilarious. Maybe bring your siblings with me, who knows."

I thought it was a good idea, so we left Harry with Bela and Dad, he was going to meet his other aunts and uncles he had gained. We appeared at a muggle bar, "Okay, her," I pointed at a woman who was dressed rather slutty, her hair had so much hair pray, any little thing could catch it on fire. "Okay, Sirius, focus in on her and you see possible bonds, when you see those bonds try to stretch them out," Amor guided calmly. She was seeing what he was doing and it was working rather well. James had also been doing the same thing, "Make it connect, make the bonds appear all around her," they watched as multiple bonds, or lines appeared. These were blue for Lust, it was Amor's Sin color. They could see some gold bonds, and James and Sirius were told that those were soulmates, they looked back at themselves to see they also had the gold bonds. Amor had been checking for somebody who seemed like she would sleep around and did not have a gold bond somewhere. James and Sirius found out one of her favorite things was to give a pair of soulmates a small push.

Blue lines, or Lust lines sprouted out of the woman, and they saw her dancing like she was as if she was in a club instead. "Now, James, those bonds, you are going to push want and need on to them, it should coat those lines," Amor guided James. Soon enough, Blue lines started getting black markings on them and Amor did her thing and a red glow appeared on the ends of other men, some had already had it. "That is when a man is truly not interested," Amor had told them. "This is what it will look like when the trial happens," she told them, "You did really good for your first try."

While James and Sirius were happy that they got it the first time and made Amor happy, they had headaches and they were tired. Amor had brought the two home and immediately sent them to bed. She brought Harry to bed, "Wily get wuined?" the toddler asked.

"Oh yes, my little demon, Lily will be ruined," Amor said and Harry giggled tiredly as he fell asleep. Amor walked back to the Lord's bedroom and climbed in between James and Sirius and fell asleep.

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