Chapter Seven

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Third POV

*Time Skip*

Amor repeatedly took Sirius and James to random muggle bars, and a magical one after they mastered using their abilities on muggles. The two had successfully figured out there abilities and the day came for the trial.

James had managed to get Harry dressed into some nice clothes, and met Sirius down stairs. The two were dressed in their best clothes, official robes on, James' now representing the house of Potter, Gryffindor, and Peverell, while Sirius' just had the House of Black represented. The first thing Sirius did when he started taking his Lordship seriously is he reinstated Andromeda and added her daughter. He took an even bigger pleasure of disowning Bellatrix. He had tracked down his brother, who had handed his Lordship back over and saved him from the Inferi that were about to kill him and he was currently healing in the Potter Manor. Amor had told Sirius that she could remove the Dark Mark from Regulus.

Amor descended down the stairs, lips painted red and she wore a red dress, "I wanted to prove how you should really pull off red, it's not only Bela's color," she had said. The two couldn't stop staring at her, she was stunning.

They arrived at the Ministry and found the right courtroom, seeing all of Amor's siblings off to the side. "This court session is for a child custody case. I don't know why this being held, because according to this document of Heir Potter's inheritance, Ms. Evans is no longer the mother of this child. It says his mother is now Amor Morningstar," the minister said. The room knew what would be happening after this.

"WHAT?!" came from Lily, who had also been wearing red, but James and Sirius were slightly annoyed and slightly proud that the people kept staring at their mate. Harry was burying his face into James' neck because he was scared. Amor squeezed both of her mates' arms, giving them the signal to start the plan. Immediately Lust lines came from Lily and stretched out across the room, gaining black stripes showing obsession. Lily immediately started flirting with the minister as Amor added in the one sided lust and the minister looked disgusted as she was prancing around the room to the different men. She even went to the point that she flashed her boobs. "Mine look way better," Sirius and James almost choked hearing Amor say that.

"MS. EVANS!" the minster screeched. Lily finally turned her attention back to the Minister, the throuple easing off their influence and Sloth decided to add a bit of his influence so Lily would forget her boobs were showing. James kept a hand on his son's head so it would stay buried into his neck. "You have other charges from Lord Potter, magical blockage of both him and Heir Potter, along with feeding Lord Potter love potions to block a soul mate bond. This has been classified as Attempted Line Theft," the minister declared.

"You have also been accused of relations with a known Death Eater. You have also disgraced yourself in front of the Wizengamot after you stormed in with that sorry excuse of a werewolf and demanded a trial, making a scene in front of everyone. For your crimes you get five years in Azkaban, good luck getting work after that," the minister said, the end being a bit sarcastic.

James, Sirius, and Amor watched happily as Lily was dragged away, all the influences off of her and she was now screaming because her boobs were still out. The three were happy because they got revenge, the best part for Lily was that she was practically willing to flirt with anyone. Now to deal with Dumblefuck and Moldydick.

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