Chapter Sixteen

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(Third POV)

Sirius and Regulus entered the Potter Manor in a hurry, catching the attention of the others. "Weknowwhereanotheroneis," Sirius rambled out. "What he said," Regulus adds. Thankfully Dora looked confused, although she was slightly angry when she was sent out with her cousins as her mother had caught what Sirius had said. Dora wouldn't deny being angry at her request, but she hadn't learned to control her hair yet, the red was a giveaway.

"Explain," Ted spoke up after James confirmed the three children were another room, and Sirius, as Padfoot, confirming they couldn't hear them.

"So, we were bonding over destroying mother's painting," Sirius started but was cut off by Andromeda and Narcissa's small celebration about the painting being gone.

"And then Sirius had an idea and left to go see if it was possible, bit odd seeing him get along with our elf," Regulus adds.

"And we wanted to surprise you, but I guess that's not happening, at least I surprised Reggie—ow, don't hit me, Cissa!" Sirius had cut off his ramblings by his blonde cousin hitting him the arm, he rubbed his arm and said, "Father has a painting," resulting in his cousin's wide eyes and jaws dropped.

"So, now in place of Mother's painting is Father's painting and he told us a little bit of information once he was filled in on what was happening and how Sirius and I reunited," Regulus continued.

"Apparently, Father outdid a certain Dark Lord in Legilemency and Occlumency in school, he told us that there was a room on the seventh floor that was hidden, it was called the Come and Go room, because it would suit what you need. Going along the topic of using the Hogwarts Founder's items, Father said he kept picking up a diadem in No-Nose-Bastard's mind, and then said Ravenclaw might've had one," Sirius finished explaining.

"But that would mean it's in Hogwarts, how could we get in without anybody being notified?" Andromeda asked, everyone remembering that they ahd been told the diadem was actually Ravenclaw's.

"A descendant of a Founder can get in undetected, they just have to ask permission, the castle tends to favor Founders," Amor said, her and James sharing a look. Sirius caught the look, 'Wait, didn't James and Harry's inheritance test say they were descended from Gryffindor? We always got away somehow and I swear James would mutter something, like he was silently thanking somebody,' he thought.

"But we don't know one, the only one would be the Dark Lord and he got disowned from the Line," Regulus says.

"We do know one," Sirius finally said.

"You don't mind watching Harry on your own?" James asked Sirius, inadvertently giving the others the answer to who another descendant was. Sirius nodded, so James and Amor got ready to go again. Before they could leave, Lucifer appeared, with another figure appearing behind him, "We know where another one is, so it would be advised if you got that one right after as you will need James for this too," Lucifer said. James seemed to instinctively recognize who was behind him, "Death?" he asked.

The other figure, which was an older man in a suit with a black trench coat and a walking stick who did not look very happy. "Mmhmm," he hummed.

"Okay," James simply said, getting an idea of where this was going. Amor simply gave the man a wave, Death waved back, as Sirius spoke up, "Okay, I get it, that's Death, but no offense, why's he here?" he asked rapidly. The room noticing he was a bit on edge.

"I do apologize," Death said, knowing why he's on edge, "it has something to do with me, and you will get more used to my presence eventually," he adds.

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