Chapter Four

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Third POV

Lily was in shock when she woke up. She was still between Remus and Severus, but she couldn't hear Harry. She also knew James didn't come home, so why were the walls empty? She brushed her hair out of her face and realized, she didn't have her rings. She let out a small screech that woke up the other two while she started calling for an elf. "Lily?"

"Did James come home last night?!" Lily urgently asked the werewolf.

"No, I didn't hear anything," he said back, he was still giving her a curious look.

"Then why are the walls empty, why are there no elves coming when I call, WHERE THE HELL IS MY LADY POTTER AND WEDDING RINGS?!" she screamed and walked out, the other two following and all the walls were empty, James' stuff was gone, the Potter items were gone. She rushed to Harry's room to find all of his stuff gone too, she stared in shock, "No this can't be happening, this can't be happening," she was muttering. And to make it worse was the paper that came later...

James POV

I walked up to the door I knew both Sirius and Amor were in and knocked before entering, "I have a question," I said. They both looked at me in question, "Knowing what Lily could do, Amor, there is a potion that not only lets you blood adopts but it lets you completely change the DNA of Harry, replacing Lily's genes. Will you take that potion? And Sirius, can you blood adopt him?" I asked. They both looked at me in shock before looking back at each other and nodded, "We'll do it," Amor said.

"Good, I already have an appointment set up at Gringotts and Rita sent her article for us to look at while we wait," I told them. "New Mommy!" Harry squealed.

"What about me?!" Sirius shrieked.


Sirius shrugged in acceptance, "Okay."

We left for Gringotts, "Just so you know Harry will gain a demonic side, it'll be his dark side, but also a nicer side, it'll be like my siblings do and it will be like my Sin specifically, so he may turn into a play boy, but with Sirius' genes he might anyway," Amor was explaining.

"I am not even offended," Sirius said.

"What if we have children in the future and you father a daughter?" I questioned. Sirius then looked like he was rethinking that statement.

"Anyway, his demonic side might be like mine and he has to feed, thankfully it will come like Creature inheritance. Yes, my ability is basically making me a succubus and that means Harry will be an incubus. But, and in case the Lovegoods get worried, when a succubus or incubus has a mate, they are made to be a mate for them, like Luna will be for Harry," Amor explained.

"So does that mean Harry was meant to be your son?" Sirius asked. Amor nodded, "It seems my father somehow knows who his childrens soul mates are, even though he didn't really like that I had two, but I'm Lust, he understood," she said as we walked up and were met with the Lovegoods.

"We thought we would get you five acquainted," the goblin said. I stayed behind to talk to them as Harry was taken away with Amor and Sirius, I sat and explained everything to the Lovegoods that they didn't already know.

Sirius POV

"Okay Harry, you need to drink both of these, you take this one first and Padfoot becomes your Papa. This will change some of your looks over night. This second one will take immediate affect because my genes are going to take over the slutty redhead's genes," Amor said and Harry giggled. Yes he knew "slutty redhead" referred to his soon to be previous mother, as he also knew "bitchy redhead" and "badass redhead" were his new aunts Sage and Bela. "Now you will feel a little funny and it will hurt but then we are quickly giving you a sleeping potion so you won't feel it for more than forty five seconds, okay?"

"Otay," he said. I smiled watching the two, that baby already adored Amor and I knew it was the same the other way around. I fed Harry the blood adoption potion for me and he swallowed all of it and I already saw his skin slightly lighten, "Before I feed him this, warn those James is with, it will be troublesome if he is near her at least until they are both over five," Amor told me. I nodded and walked back to where James was and he was just explaining that Luna would be fine and an Incubus/Succubus mate is always safe to a relieved Pandora and Xeno, "Hey, Amor is about to give the potion and she said it wouldn't be a good idea for Harry to know anything about Luna until they are five and six," I said, "And Amor is more than willing to answer any more questions you have," I added to the Lovegoods and they nodded as they were getting ready to leave. James and I walked back and found Amor, "Okay, they left," I told her. She gave Harry the next potion, and made sure he swallowed it quickly before making him quickly swallow the sleeping potion when he started whining in pain.

The three of us sat down while Harry slept off the pain, James pulled out the article:

"Scandals and Revenge, by Rita Skeeter

My dear Readers, you won't believe what I found out. I was confronted by Lord James Potter and Lord Sirius Black about something they had found out. With them was Ms. Amor Morningstar and her sister Bela Morningstar-Mikaelson along with husband Niklaus Mikaelson and brother-in-law Kol Mikaelson. They had told me about how Lord Black had helped an upset Lord Potter home to find the now EX-Lady Potter in bed Severus Snape and Remus Lupin. Lord Potter confirmed at Gringotts that he had actually been obliviated many times by Lily Evans, his ex-wife, and in front of Heir Harrison Potter, which explained to Lord Potter why his son had been so scared and quiet when he had seen his father. Lord Potter had also found out, after confirming Harrison was indeed his son, that he had also been compelled to hate Slytherins along with Lord Black. Come to find out, the previous Lady Potter, Dorea Black-Potter, was indeed a Slytherin, and a Black. Lord Potter had also been compelled to change the Secret Keeper of their hidden location, so if anything happened Lord Black would be blamed. I repeat this, Lord Sirius Black is not the Secret Keeper!. The part that disgusted me the most is that both Lord Potter and Lord Black had a Soulmate Block and a Magic Block, as did Heir Potter. It turns out Lord Potter and Lord Black are soulmates and they are a part of a triad, Amor Morningstar being there third part.

It came to my attention that these spells, blocks, potions, whatever you want to call it, were put by none other than Albus Dumbledore and Lily Evans. The Headmaster of Hogwarts who has too many titles and the woman who has slept with a Death Eater and a werewolf at the same time. Yes, you read correctly, a death Eater and a werewolf. I wish the best for the new triad, and hope they have a wonderful life."

"I approve, she didn't give away the secret parts, not everyone knows the secret behind the Morningstar's or that the Potters are not Light or the other Lordships you have, that it might be a good idea to take them, you know, as a power move," I said. James and Amor nodded in agreement and we sent the letter off with the Gringotts owl they let us use and Harry had woken up. He had gained more aristocratic looks from me and probably from Amor along with paler skin that was definitely from me. The biggest change though, was his eyes, they weren't green anymore, they were now Amor's very dark eyes, other than that, he still looked like James.

"Mommy?" he asked Amor, she gave him a smile and nodded and he squealed, hugging her from the position he was in on her lap.

Third POV

The article quickly went out, it happened to be while Lily Evans was out, with Severus and Remus still following. She was trying to find out what happened and had gone into Gringotts to speak to the Potter manager, none of the three seeing the man they were trying to find sneaking out with his son and mates. Some families had gone and spoke to the three adults to ask if it was true, and then is when it started going around that Heir Potter had been adopted by Lord Black and had his maternal genes changed and was now part Morningstar.

Lily was making a scene in Gringotts because they would not let her see the Potter manager without showing her Lady Potter ring. It was a caution set in place by James, if she shown it, then they would ask for another Ring, but not which. In the middle of her scene, Aurors had stormed in and promptly arrested Severus Snape, and promptly had Dumbledore removed from any power. Minerva McGonagall temporarily taking over until an approved Headmaster takes over, one that won't be biased. Lily had stormed out after and saw the looks she was given, and then she saw the paper, and screamed.

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