Chapter One

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Sirius POV

"Prongs!" I called, running out of the bar. He stopped and turned back to me, "Let me come with you," I said.


"Because I have a feeling, and Amor said something that made me think I should go with you," I said honestly.

"Is it just me, or does she seem to know something?" James asked.

"I think she knows something and she doesn't like it," I answered. He seemed like he thought the same thing and took my hand to do side apparition and apparated to Godric's Hollow. We entered and we both stayed quiet, we knew Lily was home, so why was it quiet? We quietly entered upstairs; James was unusually quiet and stone faced which I knew was not good. Then we heard moaning. We looked into Harry's room and he was quiet but awake, although what alarmed us was that he looked scared. We quietly walked down to James and Lily's room where the moaning was coming from. 'Do you want me to--?' I mouthed. James who seemed to be keeping himself calm had nodded and I added a silencing spell to the door just in case and opened it.

There was Lily Potter, although I don't think she will have that name much longer, having sex with Severus Snape, and I can't believe this, Remus Lupin. I closed the door and pulled James down the hallway back to Harry, I picked up the boy and got a few of his things before apparating all of us to Gringotts, "Hello, we need to speak to the Potter manager," I said and the goblin looked at James suspiciously, "He just found out something and he's angry and shocked," I said. We were then guided to the back where the Potter manager was, along with the Black manager, "He came along as you are to be Lord Black," the Potter manager said, seeing my questioning look. Yeah, because my father never disowned me and he was head of the house and not my mother, he switched the Lordship back to me.

"We need Inheritance Tests and spells checked on us. Lady Potter has been unfaithful and we don't know how long," I said and all our attention went to Harry for a brief second. He looks like James, but there is a thing called a glamour. Both goblins got things set up, "You go first," Prongs had said, I pricked my finger and watched the blood start to work its magic. Prongs had gotten the needle for Harry who had been clinging to him. We always knew Harry was rather smart and observant for a baby, we knew he knew something was going on. "It's okay Harry," James had said. He got a bit of blood from Harry before doing it to himself, by the time they were done, mine had finished and I was definitely surprised.


DOB: November 3, 1959

PARENTS: Orion Black (deceased) & Walburga Black (deceased)

SIBLINGS: Regulus Black (deceased)

SOULMATE(S): Lust Morningnstar, James Potter

CORE: Dark


BONDS: Lust Morningstar (soulmate), James Potter (soulmate), Harry Potter (godson)

SPELLS/POTIONS: Loyalty Potions—keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans. (All broken)

Soulmate Blocker—(20% Broken)

Magic Blocked—(60%)

Hate Potions—Keyed to all Slytherins, Regulus Black, Orion Black

Compelled to change Secret Keeper to Peter Pettigrew

(All administered by Albus Dumbledore)

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