"Yes, but it won't drain you of your happy memories. Me, on the other hand, I might need to feed for quite a bit, especially if we're doing what we're doing," Amor lets him know, giving him a small flirty smirk that made him want to rush her up to the cell they were intending to find.

"Ooooohhhh, Snivellus," James sang, approaching the right cell. Severus Snape had been put right next to Lily Evans who had flinched away before she could even speak, seeing Amor's eyes glow as she glared at her. Snape had sneered at the two, "Aw, what's wrong? You finally got Evans," James continued his taunting. Snape jumped up and tried to attack James with his hands but James was two quick and twisted his arm, Evans still watching, frozen in fear. James twisted the arm so the Dark Mark was facing Amor, "Wouldn't want you to touch the dirty arm," he said to her as Snape struggle some more to free his arm but the pain he was in from the angle of his arm was too much. Amor gave him a sweet smile before, to Snape and Evans' surprise, speaking in parseltongue to the Mark. She said, "A messssssage to all Death Eaterssssss, you will lisssssten to me and follow my orderssssss only. You will appear in Diagon Alley, Dark Markssssss on full disssssplay and admit you are a Death Eater willingly and if you did not join willingly you will keep quiet."

"What did you do?" Snape snarled. Evans looked at them in shock, "None of your business," Amor replied.

"We could just tell the guards," Evans said, her voice shaking in fear.

"Oh really, who's going to believe you?" Amor taunted. James had turned around and was looking at the dementors that were watching them along with the other prisoners. "If they know my soon-to-be title, would I be able to order them?" he asked his mate.

He caught more attention from the dementors and heard Snape snarl, "What the hell are you talking about, Potter?"

Amor just smirks, "Yes, yes you would. You already have their attention, have at it," she said. "Hold it right there!" a guard yelled running in.

"Well, there is a lot of Death Eaters. Spreading that message was oh, so, draining," Amor said monotonously. She was staring down the guard.

"Go ahead," James said and Snape and Evans saw the sadistic smile on her face as her eyes glowed blue as she snatched up the guard, holding his face and it looked like she was sucking something out of him. "I want everyone's, including that guard's memories of the past hour taken away," James ordered. The dementors starting moving, James turned back to Snape and Evans with Amor back at his side. Two dementors loomed behind them, staring the two prisoners down, "Have fun," the couple said with big smiles and left the two to face the dementors. Not knowing James gave a silent order to the dementors to drain the two completely of life.

In Diagon Alley, people passed by looking at a certain group in amazement. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy along with Sirius and Regulus Black were chilling out outside with their forearms showing. Those who strictly Light and prejudiced against the Dark had their jaws dropped seeing the bare forearms. Then Andromeda Tonks, who was also a Black appeared with them, her forearms showing too. Suddenly, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa and Andromeda's sister appeared screaming, "I'M A DEATH EATER COME AND GET ME YOU SACKS OF SHIT!" followed by Rodolphus who screamed something similar. More Death Eaters were showing up as James and Amor approached the group, there forearms showing too.

"Who's going to do it?" Lucius asked. To their surprise Rabastan Lestrange showed up and kept quiet. Two of Amor's siblings, Darrold and Cassie, pulled him aside, and then saw Barty Crouch Jr. standing there quietly with his Mark showing, Amor's siblings also came and gently took Barty away, it was very obvious the man was scared, but what surprised them was when he looked at Amor for reassurance and she nodded as a way to tell him to go with them.

"What was that?" Sirius asked.

"I think he knew I was the one to give the order," she responded.


Amor thought for a second, "We did help out a child a while back because he was being mistreated by his father and got locked away. If that is him then he recognized us," she said. Two Aurors came over and started to grab Lucius, "Excuse me, what are you doing?" he asked. Two more Aurors were coming behind Regulus. "Arresting you, you Death Eater scums," one sneered.

"Okay," Sirius spoke up, "Before you attempt to take Lucius and my little brother," he snarled, glaring at the two standing behind his brother and put an arm around him to protect him, "You can see they both do not have a Dark Mark. We can vouch for them," he said.

"Yes, they've been at my Manor seeking protection from other Death Eaters. You know, the Potter Manor, the one that belongs to me, aka a person who get you fired and make sure you never find a job," James added nonchalantly. The four Aurors stepped away seeing no Dark Mark, Lucius was "subconsciously" rubbing where his would've been while Regulus was scratching at his, proving nothing was covering it. Rabastan and Barty walked back out, and sat with them, there forearms both showing. So, the Aurors left them alone knowing they couldn't make a case for taking any of them.

Amor turned to Barty, "Are you the little boy we helped?" she asked. He gave her a wide crazed grin, "Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. Amor squealed and hugged the man who tightly hugged her back noticing the jealous looks from Sirius and James, while Amor saw the jealous look Rabastan gave her. Then it happened. The evil marshmallow had showed up.

Amor (The Sins Book 2) {HP}Where stories live. Discover now