Chapter Twenty Three

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AT 6PM, THE CAR pull up in front of La Fresca where a uniformed valet was waiting outside.
Silas climbed out of the car and walk over to my side and opened the door. I stepped out, accepting his hand and I look over the glitzy restaurant in awe.

"Have a pleasant evening, Miss."

"Thank you, Silas." I smile at him as he climbed back inside the car.

I was greeted by a tall woman with her brown hair styled in a sleek short bob and is wearing a tight black dress and high heels.
"Good Evening, Miss Ayla. I'm Camilla. It's a pleasure to have you here. Let me bring you to Mr. Sinclair."

I follow her from the street and into the dimly lit restaurant that instantly transports you to a place far away from the chaos of the city.
Faint elevator music wafted through the doors, along with the smell of mouth-watering food and pale, sandy light. One side of the restaurant is made of floor to ceiling glass window that has spectacular view of the city. My eyes marvel at the indoor waterfall and the intricate chandeliers hanging from the alcove ceilings. Silas had filled me in earlier that Kade owned several upscale restaurants in the city and this, being one of them.

We walked further into the room and my heart stops at the sight of him.

He's standing at one of the tables, dressed in a black fitted suit with a white-collared, cuff-linked shirt underneath. The top two buttons are undone, making him look more roguishly handsome. His dark blonde hair is brushed back from his face and his green eyes is focused on the old man as they chat away.

My heart starts to beat erratically and spark a nagging ache between my thighs. His gaze captures mine and my pulse flutters at the intensity I see in them. His emerald gaze roams over my body appreciatively and it makes me feel as though the entire room lacks oxygen.

I'm wearing a stunning black knee-length cowl neck open back dress that he had Gemma brought to me earlier. It looks elegant and dangerous. I spent hours contemplating on whether I can pull off a dress like this but when Kade texted me that he couldn't wait to see me wearing it tonight it literally calm my nerves. I paired it with a strappy Louboutin nude high heels and pulled my hair in an elegant low ponytail.

He says something to the man and walks over to me. Wrapping his hand possessively around my waist, he leaned down until his lips is ridiculously close to mine. The chatter around us stopped. I felt everyone's eyes on us.

"You look absolutely ravishing in that dress, Butterfly." Kade murmured against my lips, sending a scorching heat down my body.

This public display of affection from him filled my chest with warmth and I swallow against the tingling feeling rising up my throat. He can do it a thousand times, and I still wouldn't get used to being this close to him.

His fresh scent.

His tousled dark blonde hair.

The glint in his eye. I find myself staring at that longer than I like to admit.

A few patrons are scattered about, but Kade doesn't take any of the available tables. He places an arm around my waist and guides me up hidden stairs with gold and white steps.

I wasn't surprised that Kade took the table in the most secluded part of the restaurant. Not only did we have privacy, our view was stunning, and right behind the indoor waterfall. We were one of only three parties in this level, in one table is an older couple and the other are group of people in business suits.

As I sat on the cushion chair that he pulled out for me, I was delighted when he drag his and placed it beside mine.

"A pleasure Mr. Sinclair and Miss Van Horen. Might I recommend a glass of champagne to start off the evening?" asked the maître d' as he displayed the open, leather-bound wine list.

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