I nodded my head agreeing with him."You're right, I'll go back and I'll finish." And this time I really mean it, I shouldn't have never left from the beginning, I shouldn't have let love get in the way of my accomplishing my goal and getting my dream job, don't get me wrong I like being a nurse but it's not the best, I don't get as much respect than the doctors do even though we're practically all the same, and the pay for being a Doctor would be so much better.

"Great! I gotta get going-" Neal  leaned forward and stole a kiss from me, I gasped and before I could even act on it he cleared it out of the reception hall, Jessie stayed behind looking dumbfounded.

"Um... what in the fuck just happened?" He said slowly, I covered my face hiding my huge smile.

"I'm sorry am I missing something here?"

I laughed and pulled out another Rollie chair for him to sit on

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I laughed and pulled out another Rollie chair for him to sit on."Come sit its time for me to spill some tea." After I said that Jessie practically jumped over my desk and took his seat right next to me.

"Tell me everything bitch."


I spent the last 30 minutes explaining everything to Jessie and when I say everything I mean everything, I told him about Dave's abusive way, his infidelity, I told him about all the nights I've cried myself to sleep, I told him about how emotionally damaged I am because of Dave, I poured everything out to him, I haven't opened up to him like this in so long mainly because for the past 3 years I've been trying to protect Dave's image and make him seem like he's still this amazing lovable guy when he's not, the whole time while I was explaining to Jessie that me and Dave are no longer together he gave me this look.

I spent the last 30 minutes explaining everything to Jessie and when I say everything I mean everything, I told him about Dave's abusive way, his infidelity, I told him about all the nights I've cried myself to sleep, I told him about how emotiona...

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After I finished he finally spoke."Girl I love you but you're one stupid ass bitch." I rolled my eyes, I had sort of a love hate feeling for Jessie and his blunt mouth, he never sugar coats shit for me and when ever I've done something stupid he lets me have it no matter what, he calls it being honest but I call it a reason to be rude, but at times he be speaking facts and I already know he's going to be preaching to me and I won't have no choice but to listen to him because half the time he be right.

"I'm glad that you've finally left before he could actually kill your ass but sweetie you should've left a long time ago and you should've told me that this was going on."

"Yes I know Jessie but-"

"Fuck trying to protect him and his image." He said immediately knowing what I was going to say." He hurt you Anura, he hurt you multiple times, and without a logical reason to it, you should've been smart enough to leave him the first moment he put his hands on you, you don't deserve to be hit, you didn't deserve any of that bullshit he was giving you."

"Love is blinding." I said, he pouted and pulled me into a hug, I laid my head on his shoulder feeling a strong urge to cry but I held in my tears.

"You're a very strong women Anura, withstanding all that crap he threw at you and still remaining strong and vibrant, you're so brave love and I'm glad he didn't crush you completely." He said making me smile, I'm glad that he didn't chew me up and spit me out like he usually would.

I never realized how strong I was until I finally got up and left.

"You've been drinking dumb bitch juice for the past three years, mainly because he was serving you it." He joked, I giggled."I hope you aren't planning on going back to him."

"Never!" He looked at me unassured.

"I'm serious Jessie."

"We shall see but I hope you're right, if I ever catch him in the streets I will personally run his ass over with my car" he said causing me to laugh.

"You don't got to worry Karma is going to handle his ass."

"Girl bye, Karma bitch ass be taking to damn long at times, rather just take matters into my own hands, I cause way more damage than she does." I shook my head at him, he was so extra.

"Anyways let's talk about you and Neal, whatever is going on I love it and I stan y'all relationship."

"There's nothing going on between me and him though." I said blushing.

"You're one bad liar."

"I'm not lying, I just got out of a relationship I'm not looking for love at the moment, I want to love myself first before I start dating again." I said truthfully, I need to learn self love.

"He dicking you down ain't he?" I gasped and slapped his arm.

"No! Never."

"Mmhmm he should be chile." I felt my cheeks warm up once dirty thoughts began to fill my head, I quickly cleared them away.

"Anura I know you and I know you have a small little crush on Neal and that's okay, after years of rejecting him now you finally like him, even if it's just a little-"

"Let me stop you right there because you're literally reaching great heights and I'm going to need you to bring it down a notch, I don't have a crush on Neal, he's just a friend and he's helping me get through this difficult time in my life, he's helping me heal and cope with my situation."

"Mhm by giving you dick right?"

I groaned."I'm serious!"

Jessie laughed." Okay sheesh I hear ya loud and clear, but anyways don't keep shit from me ever again." He said pinching my arm, I slapped his hand away rubbing the painful feeling that went through my arm.

"I promise." I'm not going to keep anything away from Jessie anymore, I'm going to go back and vent to him like I used to, I'm done protecting Dave, I don't care anymore how he's portrayed to the public's eye.


Quick update for y'all 😘

No Dave's POV cuz fuck that nigga 🙄😂

Let's pray that Jessie actually does run his ass over


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