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Dave East x Miracle Watts

"One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown

March 4th 2018

"Dear Ping, It happened again... probably for the hundredth time. Today I found myself on the ground laid up in a pool of my own blood, it's okay I'm okay, nothing I can't handle. I'm used to this already, the beatings that is, I won't lie to you and say it doesn't hurt, physically I've grown numb to it but emotionally it's painful. I don't understand it Ping, what's happening to us? Where is all this abuse and hatred coming from, We used to be so in love... what happened?

You remember how we met don't you Ping?  It feels just like yesterday, I remember the way he'd look at me so adoringly, I remember his smile, I remember his smooth laughter, I wish I could go back to that day. I've tried so hard to make him happy the way he used to be, but whatever I do it doesn't seem to work. I'm so scared of that man Ping, I fear for my life every time I do something wrong in front of him, it's because I get so nervous, but I can't walk away I want to but I can't when a part of me won't let me, that's the part that still loves that man even through all the abuse.
I don't know what to do Ping, I pray that through it all that he'll change for me and start loving me again, I'll wait until he does, I don't want to give up on him just yet."

Read to find out more about Anura's struggling love life filled with deception, heartbreaks and infidelity.

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Anura Hayes

Anura Hayes

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Luna Hayes

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Luna Hayes

Luna Hayes

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