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Anura's POV

"The reason it' hurts so much to separate is because our soul are connected." -Unknown

4:30 am

I looked up at the cloudy sky letting out a small breath of relief that the rain finally stopped, it went on for what felt like hours, I was glad that the sound of pitter pattering droplets I once considered peaceful have stopped. I leaned back against my cool seat and tightened my arms around my body thinking that'd it'd keep me warm.
I didn't know how long I've been outside but it felt like forever, The exhaustion I'm feeling at the moment is unbearable, my whole body hurts especially my thigh, I felt completely weak, mostly from losing all that blood.

I wanted to close my eyes and dream myself far away from where I am now, but It became difficult for me to do, so I stayed up instead, I couldn't allow myself to fall asleep in the condition that I'm in. I regret not going for help, I was just to scared about what people would say and do.

I let out a groan feeling that same stinging sensation coming back through my cut, I screamed for Dave to come help me but I'm pretty sure he's not even in the house anymore, I let go of myself and rubbed my damp face and thought about how I was such an idiot, I should've just kept my hands to myself and not have said anything to both Dave and that waitress, if I had just done nothing maybe everything would've played out differently.

I looked down at the towel drenched in blood that's tied around my thigh, another scar added to my many collection. I sighed and closed my eyes letting the darkness completely consume me, at this point I didn't even care if I woke up or not, Im to emotionally and physically drained to care anymore.

That part of me that wants to hold on to Dave a little more is slowly giving up, he's not going to change, no matter what I do or how hard I try, he's still going to treat me like complete shit and when he comes back and opens that damn door I'm going to tell him that it's over and that I'm done.
I don't deserve to be kicked out of my own house as if I'm some kind of dog, and over something completely stupid.

I've really hit my breaking point and I don't think I can take dealing with him anymore, the only reason I stayed is because I thought eventually he'd change but I need to wake up and realize that he's not, he doesn't love me and he never will again.

A small smile crept on my face and I oddly felt at peace once I've come to terms with my choice, it was as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and I feel ok, like I'm gonna make it out ok.

I laid my head against the wall next to me and drifted into a deep sleep, a sleep that I hope to never wake up from, going to sleep was the best way for me to escape this nightmare I call my life.


The next morning I snapped out of sleep feeling the weight of the world completely crash down on me, my body ached more than it did last night, I felt hot and cold at the same time, I could barely breath through my now stuffed nose and the pain in my thigh was still here. I looked around my surroundings noticing that I was in bed dressed in a big white T-shit and not outside, I lifted up my sheets to look at my cut that was now bandaged up and cleaned.

My brow raised in confusion, how did I get up here without waking up? I lifted the sheets completely off of me and tried to get off the bed, my feet came in contact with the carpeted floor, I tried to stand up but that pain in my thigh was making it difficult for me." Hey no don't get up." I turned my head the moment I heard Dave's voice, I stared at him blankly as he brought a tray of food towards me, he set it down on the bed and walked over to me, he reached out to touch me but my instincts made me back away from his touch.

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