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Anura's POV

I entered the hospital entrance with Neal by my side, I let out a slow sigh and looked around, it felt so good to be back here, I was anxious to work and get back to my normal routines, I clocked in and placed my things in my locker, after I was done I took my seat back in my usually place at the front desk and started getting to work, right now it was a slow since all the patients are still asleep, it was 5 in the morning and I was still very much sleepy, I've been working here for 5 years and not once have I gotten used to waking up early.

I rubbed my eyes."Here I got you some coffee." I looked up and saw Neal with two cups of coffee in his hands.

I smiled."is that from your espresso machine?" I asked, he nodded, I greedily took the cup and took a small sip, I moaned softly at the warm delicious coffee, his coffee machine was absolutely the best.

"Thank you." I told him, he smiled and leaned a little closer to my face, I gave him a stank face.

"Back up homeboy." I said putting my hand in front of his face, Neal knew I hated how affectionate he got around work, these nurses are extremely nosey and they love to gossip and usually me and Neal are the main topic of their conversation even though half of them know I'm with Dave, I don't need them spreading rumors and accusing me of cheating even though Dave and I aren't together anymore.

"What I cant look at you?" He asked biting his thick lips, I rolled my eyes and covered my lips with my coffee cup trying to hide the smile that wants to spread on me face.

"Shouldn't you be getting to work?" I asked.

He shrugged." Not right now I wanna admire you a little." I blushed.

"Ew come on guys it's to damn early for this." Jessie said coming from behind Neal, I looked and I saw my best friend walking toward us, I let out a soft squeal and he did the same, I walked from around the front desk and and ran into his arms giving him a hug.

"I missed you! I'm so glad your back."

"Yeah whoopty doo." Neal said sarcastically, I turned my head and gave him the death glare.

"It's good to be back." I said letting him go, I walked back to my seat." I missed working."

"Ok ew stop now you're really disgusting me, you missed working here?" Jessie asked, I nodded my head, he busted out laughing along side Neal.

"This place sucks! I'm leaving as soon as I get my doctorate degree." He said leaning against the desk, I pouted.

"You're seriously leaving me?"

"That was the plan from the beginning Anura, you just never went through with yours." I frowned, he was right, We both agreed that we'd go back to school and finish to get our doctorate degree but I never finished because Dave said it was taking to much time out of our relationship, me being to busy with school and work was affecting him, I couldn't quit my job so I had to quit school because he wanted more time with me, I regretted quitting and so sudden at that.

"You're making me feel bad Jessie." I told him, I always wanted to be a doctor like Neal but I let Dave get into my stupid head and change my mind.

All for love.

"It's never to late Anura, you could always go back and finish." Neal said.

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