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Dave's POV

I looked at the huge crowd of people who came out to see me perform and for the first time in forever I felt nervous, I wasn't in the mood to perform anymore, but I know I couldn't keep these people who paid to be here waiting to long, I needed to push what's bothering me aside and get this shit over with, Trey handed me the mic and I climbed on stage.
I gulped down the rest of the liquor that was in my glass and set it on the ground, the music began to play which helped ease me a bit and got me hyped, I enjoyed the sounds of the roaring crowd and I enjoyed the way the lights felt on me.

After 30-40 minutes of performing I was finished, I said my goodbyes to the crowd and went down the steps and met up with Trey."Yo man I'm finna head out." I told him, he looked at me crazily.

"Nah nigga you ain't going no where, come on you just had a successful performance, stay and chill for awhile, enjoy yourself!" He yelled through the music, he handed me a drink and I shook my head.

"I'm really not in the mood to party today." I said truthfully, something was weighing heavily on my heart.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You were right about what you said at the studio a few weeks ago, Anura left and I have no idea where she's at." He looked at me surprised and shook his head.

"I told you so." He said taking a sip of his drink." You should've listened to me and got your shit together, now your women is gone, probably in the arms of another man, I'm not about to sugar coat shit and feel sorry for you but this is Karma at your door and she's telling you to open the fuck up, your paying for it man."

"Thanks for the emotional support." I said sarcastically, as much as I don't want to admit it I do miss her, like crazy and I don't know why, I should be pissed, completely fucking livid about her cheating and then leaving but I can't find it in my heart to be because I know it's all my fault, maybe if I had treated her a little better than she wouldn't have ran into another mans arms, and now Ai is trying to leave me too, I refuse to allow her to leave me like Anura did for another guy, but I got Ai's ass on a secured lock seeing that she practically can't survive without me.

"I'm your friend I'mma tell it like it is, but I doubt that Anura would cheat, she was so in love with you, maybe what I saw wasn't really what I assumed it was." Trey said, I looked at him confused.

"Wha-" before I could finish my sentence I felt a phone vibrate in my pocket when I pulled it out I noticed it was just Anura's phone vibrating, I've been carrying it around with me as if it's my own phone, I don't know why maybe because I'm hoping somehow she would contact this phone and tell me to bring it back to her, I could use it as an excuse to see her one more time.

I unlocked her phone and went to her messages deciding to be noisy, I clicked on the message that was sent, it was from Jessie her best friend, curious I opened it and read it.


"Here are the pictures we took at brunch, I forgot to send them to you, ugh! We gotta do it again I had so much fun."
             Sent 11:50pm

I scrolled up to see the pictures and what I seen next made my heart drop, the picture that Ai showed me of Anura eating out with another man is the same picture that Jessie just sent and that man was him, I looked at the pictures shockingly.

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