Shauni picked it up when she realized I wasn't going to, reading over the notification. "Nardo said call him when you ready, 'I know you don't wanna talk right now. But I gotta explain myself. I don't want you thinking a nigga wanted to hurt you...'"

I started tuning her out as she continued reading, getting up and sliding the door to the balcony back open so we could get inside. "He full of shit" —I talked over her with an eye-roll. "Nobody buying it"

"This long ass paragraph, his ass in distress. I love to see it."

"I'm sick of him, I should call him over here and beat his ass. Be like 'Come over so we can talk this out' and then when he come over I'll just start rocking his shit."

"My bestie is finally standing up! It's a proud day for America!"

I sat down on my couch, sucking my teeth at her. "I was his girlfriend for only a month like that's sick as fuck. I hate niggas so much!"


"What's wrong with you?" Tina asked with a straight face, making me slide down the counter some once she came to take over the register. "You've been moping around all day."

"This girl that my boyfriend fu- had sex with when we stopped talking is aborting his baby."

"Oh...?" She blinked a few times, the shocked look on her face being hard to miss. "This is the same guy you were running out of the shop to go see?"

"Yes" Shauni answered for me while coming from the back with a box. "She'll be back talking to his ass soon, she love him."

Frowning up, I continued leaning on the counter. "Who said that?" I countered as she sat the box down beside me. "Literally nobody, you made that up."

"Hmmm, if that makes you feel better at night. As soon as they get that baby aborted, you gon' be back in the bed with him bussing it down."

"It's different this time — it's a baby, a human, they made a ugly embryo." I handed her the pair of scissors in front of Tina.

"But you guys weren't together, right?" Tina questioned while ringing a customer up, looking genuinely interested in the conversation.

"Yes but he tried to hide it."

"Ah, I understand" She nodded. "I would be upset too."

"I'm not upset I just wanna punch him. I think if he let me punch him I would hear him out."

"Violence isn't the answer, Serafina."

Sucking my teeth at Tina, I stopped leaning on the counter. "I think it's the answer for him. He rearranged another girl's guts so it's only right I rearrange his jaw."

"You're insane, you need a therapist bitch." Shauni joked while pulling shelving utensils out of the box.  "That's why I love you so much."

"I'm talking about punching Nardo when I really need to save my punches for Trey just in case he catch me lacking again."

"That nigga scare me I can't lie."

"Youuuu? If I see him in public I'll piss myself, no joke."

"See that's why you either gotta keep a gun or a taser."

NEFARIOUS. (Nardo Wick)Where stories live. Discover now